Andrea Corallo <> writes:

> Andrea Corallo <> writes:
>>> It occurred to me that the entrypoint is combining two things:
>>> - creating a global char[]
>>> - creating an initializer for that global
>>> which got me wondering if we should instead have a way to add
>>> initializers for globals.
>>> My first thought was something like:
>>> gcc_jit_context_new_global_with_initializer
>>> which would be like gcc_jit_context_new_global but would have an
>>> additional gcc_jit_rvalue *init_value param?
>>> The global would have to be of kind GCC_JIT_GLOBAL_EXPORTED or
>>> Alternatively, maybe it would be better to have
>>> gcc_jit_global_set_initializer (gcc_jit_lvalue *global,
>>>                             gcc_jit_rvalue *init_val);
>>> to make the API more flexible.
>>> But even if we had this, we'd still need some way to create the rvalue
>>> for that initial value.  Also, maybe there ought to be a distinction
>>> between rvalues that can vary at runtime vs those that can be computed
>>> at compile-time (and are thus suitable for use in static
>>> initialization).
>>> I suspect you may have gone through the same thought process and come
>>> up with a simpler approach.   (I'm mostly just "thinking out loud"
>>> here, sorry if it isn't very coherent).
>> Yes I had kind of similar thoughs.
>> Ideally would be good to have a generic solution, the complication is
>> that as you mentioned not every rvalue is suitable for initializing
>> every global, but rather the opposite.  My fear was that the space to be
>> covered would be non trivial for a robust solution in this case.
>> Also I believe we currently have no way to express in libgccjit rvalues
>> an array with some content, so how to use this as initializer?  Perhaps
>> also we should have a new type gcc_jit_initializer?
>> On the other hand I thought that for simple things like integers the
>> problem is tipically already solved with an assignment in some init code
>> (infact I think so far nobody complained) while the real standing
>> limitation is for blobs (perhaps I'm wrong).  And in the end if you can
>> stuff some data in, you can use it later for any scope.
>> Another "hybrid" solution would be to have specific entry point for each
>> type of the subset we want to allow for static initialization.  This way
>> we still control the creation of the initializer internally so it's
>> safe.  In this view this blob entry point would be just one of these
>> (probably with a different name like
>> 'gcc_jit_context_new_glob_init_char_array').
> Hi Dave,
> wanted to ask if you formed an opinion about the patch and/or more in
> general the problem of static initialize data.
> Thanks
>   Andrea


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