On Fri, Sep 04, 2020 at 12:18:12PM -0500, Qing Zhao wrote:
> > I call this very expensive, already,
> Yes, I think that 17.56% on average is quite expensive. That’s the data for 
> -fzero-call-used-regs=all, the worst case i.e, clearing all the call-used 
> registers at the return.
> However, if we only clear USED registers, the worst case is 1.72% on average. 
>  This overhead is very reasonable. 

No, that is the number I meant.  2% overhead is extremely much, unless
this is magically super effective, and actually protects many things
from exploitation (that aren't already protected some other way, SSP for

> > and it is benchmarked on a target
> > where this should be very cheap (it has few registers) :-/
> It’s a tradeoff to improve the software security with some runtime overhead. 

Yes.  Which is why I asked for numbers of both sides of the equation:
how much it costs, vs. how much value it brings.

> For compiler, we should provide such option to the users to satisfy their 
> security need even though the runtime overhead.  Of course, during compiler 
> implementation, we will do our best to minimize the runtime overhead.

There also is a real cost to the compiler *developers*.  Which is my
prime worry here.  If this gives users at most marginal value, then it
is real cost to us, but nothing to hold up to that.


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