-  builtin_memref dstref (dst, dstsize);
-  builtin_memref srcref (src, srcsize);
+  builtin_memref dstref (query, call, dst, dstsize);
+  builtin_memref srcref (query, call, src, srcsize);

    /* Create a descriptor of the access.  This may adjust both DSTREF
       and SRCREF based on one another and the kind of the access.  */
-  builtin_access acs (call, dstref, srcref);
+  builtin_access acs (query, call, dstref, srcref);

Since/if the query pointer is a member of builtin_memref which is
passed to the builtin_access ctor there should be no need to pass
a second (and third) copy to it as well.

builtin_memref seems like an independent object altogether, and the query is a private member of said object. Are you proposing making it public, or making builtin_access a friend of builtin_memref (eeech)?


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