On 11/23/20 4:38 PM, Martin Sebor wrote:
On 11/21/20 6:26 AM, Andrew MacLeod wrote:
On 11/21/20 12:07 AM, Jeff Law wrote:

On 11/9/20 9:00 AM, Martin Sebor wrote:

Jeff, I don't expect to have the cycles to reimplement this patch
using the Ranger APIs before stage 1 closes.  I'm open to giving
it a try in stage 3 if it's still in scope for GCC 11. Otherwise,
is this patch okay to commit?
So all we're going to get from the ranger is ranges of operands, right?
Meaning that we still need to either roll our own evaluator
(eval_size_vflow) or overload range_for_stmt with our own, which likely
looks like eval_size_vflow anyway, right?

My hope was to avoid the roll our own evaluator, but that doesn't look
like it's in the cards in the reasonably near future.

Is there a PR open showing what exactly you are looking for?
I'm using open PRs to track enhancement requests, and they will all feed back into the development roadmap  I am working on.

Not that I know of.  The background is upthread, in particular in
Aldy's response here:

I like the suggestion and if/when I have the time I'd like to give
it a try.  Until then, I think the patch is useful on its own so
I'll go with it for now.

Longer term, I do hope we can revisit the idea of computing either
mathematically correct ranges alongside those required by the language
semantics, or tracking signed overflow or unsigned wraparound. E.g.,

  void* f (int n)
    if (n < INT_MAX / 3)
      n = INT_MAX / 3;

    n *= sizeof (int);
    // n is [(INT_MAX / 3) * 4, INF] mathematically
    // undefined due to overflow in C
    // but [INT_MIN, INT_MAX] according to VRP

but sizeof returns a size_t.. which is an unsigned. thus the multiply is promoted to an unsigned multiply  which means there is lots of wrapping and I don't see how you can conclude those ranges?    [INT_MIN, INT_MAX] are all possible outcomes based on the code that is generated.

If I change that to
  n *= (int) sizeof (int) to keep it as signed arithmetic, I see:

Folding statement: n_4 = n_1 * 4;
EVRP:hybrid: RVRP found singleton 2147483647
Queued stmt for removal.  Folds to: 2147483647
evrp visiting stmt _7 = malloc (n_4);

extract_range_from_stmt visiting:
_7 = foo (n_4);
Folding statement: _7 = foo (n_4);
EVRP:hybrid: RVRP found singleton 2147483647
Folded into: _7 = malloc (2147483647);

So I'm not sure what exactly you want to do?  We are calculating what the program can produce?

Why do we care about alternative calculations?


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