I've completed merging modules to trunk modulo the testsuite. I included a few smoke tests, but nothing more. I'll add the rest when the smoke clears.

There will undoubtedly be issues related to configs that I've not built. As I mentioned I did what I could.

Further, it'll undoubtedly break when you go poking at it, as we all have unique and special sticks to poke with. This might disappoint. But just think what had to go right to get you there :) Recently these kinds of bugs have been simple to fix -- a thinko or simply forgetting about a piece of C++. Please file issues in bugzilla.

There are some known omissions listed in the documentation (go read it).

Finally, thanks to the early testers, those that supported me in implementing such an exciting feature, and those who listened to my comments and suggestions in many WG21 meetings.


Nathan Sidwell

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