On Monday, 1 March 2021 14:31:09 PST Ville Voutilainen wrote:
> On Tue, 2 Mar 2021 at 00:21, Thiago Macieira <thiago.macie...@intel.com> 
> > But the code I posted, if people are careful to use write like I did,
> > would
> > allow us to have the experimental "we're not sure this is right"
> > implementation of atomic waits, latches, barriers and semaphores right
> > now.
> The code assumes that as soon as __cplusplus bumps and a header is
> present, things
> are stable.

Not exactly. Re-posting the code for reference:

#if __cplusplus >= 202002L && __has_include(<latch>)
#  include <latch>
#if __cpp_lib_latch < 201907L
#  error "Please upgrade your Standard Library"

The first section simply assumes that <latch> can be #included. The 
__cplusplus check is necessary because MSVC STL's headers are present but 
can't be #include'd otherwise (they cause #error).

It's the second check that is authoritative.

> I don't think that's a safe assumption to make.
> Furthermore, the second  #if
> tries to check a feature-testing macro without including either the
> corresponding header
> or <version>. That doesn't work. You need to either include <version>
> and check a macro,
> or check that <latch> exists, then include <latch> and then check the macro.

<version> would work, but why can't you check the macro anyway? It may trigger 
a warning with GCC's -Wundef, but it's just a warning. The preprocessor is 
defined to replace any undefined identifier with 0. If you want to avoid the 
warning, you could write:

#if defined(__cpp_lib_latch) && __cpp_lib_latch < 201907L

Is there anything I'm not seeing?

> But other than that, sure, as QoI, vendors could already provide the
> standard macros with
> numbers that are lower than the standard ever specified. Going
> forward, if existing facilities
> are changed, this stops working because now you'd have to track the
> WPs to see which
> values are "vendor-bogus". I find it better to just change the macros
> whose facilities changed
> during a standard cycle, and in those cases bump the IS macro, that'll
> then work going forward.
> In the meanwhile, when vendors can, they could use the technique you
> describe, but that's
> barely worth proposing as an SG10 guideline because they would've
> needed to do it already, but didn't. :P

I am not opposed to that. Your solution is better.

But this solution is less work on the standard and still works, even if it 
creates a little more work on the users of said features. It's not 
unsurmountable, since we often need to check which C++ standard edition it 
came with anyway. So it doesn't matter what value it assumes: we'll be 
consulting a table anyway.

Thiago Macieira - thiago.macieira (AT) intel.com
  Software Architect - Intel DPG Cloud Engineering

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