On Wed, Mar 10, 2021 at 08:02:16PM +0100, David Lamparter wrote:
> Also, in seeing your response re. the volatile, it occured to me that
> stripping qualifiers on a typedef and still calling it the typedef is
> unhelpful.  Ideally, my goal is:
> typedef int i;
> typedef const int ci;
> typeof((i)x) = i
> typeof((ci)x) = int  (<-- w/ my patch = ci; this is confusing)

Clarification:  with the current patch, the type of (ci)x is *called*
"ci", but doesn't actually have the const qualifier.  That's the
confusing part.  The const (or volatile) is stripped off the typedef in
the added build_qualified_type() call, but that now-different type is
still referred to as "ci"...

> typeof((const i)x) = i

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