On 06/05/21 22:03 +0200, François Dumont via Libstdc++ wrote:

    Considering your feedback on backtrace in debug mode is going to take me some time so here is another one.

    Compared to latest submission I've added a _Hash_arg_t partial specialization for std::hash<>. It is not strictly necessary for the moment but when we will eventually remove its nested argument_type it will be. I also wonder if it is not easier to handle for the compiler, not sure about that thought.

The std::hash specializations in libstdc++ define argument_type, but
I'm already working on one that doesn't (forstd::stacktrace).

And std::hash<acme::ProgramDefinedType> can be specialized by users,
and is not required to provide argument_type.

So it's already not valid to assume that std::hash<T>::argument_type

        _M_emplace(const_iterator, false_type __uks, _Args&&... __args);

+      template<typename _Kt, typename _Arg, typename _NodeGenerator>
+       std::pair<iterator, bool>
+       _M_insert_unique(_Kt&&, _Arg&&, const _NodeGenerator&);
+      // Detect nested argument_type.
+      template<typename _Kt, typename _Ht, typename = __void_t<>>
+       struct _Hash_arg_t
+       { typedef _Kt argument_type; };
+      // std::hash
+      template<typename _Kt, typename _Arg>
+       struct _Hash_arg_t<_Kt, std::hash<_Arg>>
+       { typedef _Arg argument_type; };
+      // Nested argument_type.
+      template<typename _Kt, typename _Ht>
+       struct _Hash_arg_t<_Kt, _Ht,
+                         __void_t<typename _Ht::argument_type>>
+       { typedef typename _Ht::argument_type argument_type; };
+      // Function pointer.
+      template<typename _Kt, typename _Arg>
+       struct _Hash_arg_t<_Kt, std::size_t(*)(const _Arg&)>
+       { typedef _Arg argument_type; };
+      template<typename _Kt,
+              typename _ArgType
+                = typename _Hash_arg_t<_Kt, _Hash>::argument_type>
+       static typename conditional<
+         __is_nothrow_convertible<_Kt, _ArgType>::value, _Kt&&, key_type>::type

Please use __conditional_t<...> here instead of
typename conditional<...>::type.

The purpose of the _Hash_arg_t type is to determine whether invoking
the hash function with _Kt&& can throw, right?

And if it can throw, you force a conversion early, and if it can't,
you don't do the conversion.

Can't you use __is_nothrow_invocable<_Hash&, _Kt> for that, instead of
this fragile approach?

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