On Mon, 2022-10-17 at 15:28 +0200, Martin Liška wrote:
> Hello.
> Based on the very positive feedback I was given at the Cauldron
> Sphinx Documentation BoF,
> I'm planning migrating the documentation on 9th November. There are
> still some minor comments
> from Sandra when it comes to the PDF output, but we can address that
> once the conversion is done.
> The reason I'm sending the email now is that I was waiting for latest
> Sphinx release (5.3.0) that
> simplifies reference format for options and results in much simpler
> Option summary section ([1])
> The current GCC master (using Sphinx 5.3.0) converted docs can be
> seen here:
> https://splichal.eu/scripts/sphinx/
> If you see any issues with the converted documentation, or have a
> feedback about it,
> please reply to this email.
> Cheers,
> Martin
> [1] https://github.com/sphinx-doc/sphinx/pull/10840
> [1]
> https://splichal.eu/scripts/sphinx/gcc/_build/html/gcc-command-options/option-summary.html

FWIW, to help organize the various bugs people have reported due to the
sphinx migration, I've gone ahead and created a tracker bug in GCC
bugzilla.  See:

Not all of them have "sphinx" in the title, so hope I got them all. 
Please add any I missed, and add any new ones you file as blocking this

Hope this is helpful

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