> TYPE_METHODS uses the field used by TYPE_BINFO so the patches are related.

As the person who wrote the patches, I can confirm that they are not
in fact related. Or, at least, they fix different issues and have no
reliance upon each other. If you mean related as in they both contain
RECORD_OR_UNION_CHECK, sure, but even then they are two very different
patches, with one being a temporary stopgap and the other being a
thought-through change that solves a large issue with minimal addition
and leaves existing functionality intact.

> Re-adding a field to all types is a no-go

To be entirely honest, my current priority is simply to get this
merged so I can spend less time keeping up with upstream changes
breaking everything and spend more time actually improving things. The
additional labour cost for the maintainer who is making the change and
understands it deeply is much less than what it takes for me to bisect
the issue, find the commit, understand it and fix the issue.

>From my point of view, temporarily re-adding a grand total of two
lines is worth that goal.
If you consider this a large enough issue that you won't accept that,
then let me know so we don't dance around the issue and I can get on
with solving the issue.

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