
I have finished my testing, and updated my patch and relevant Changelogs. I
added 4 new tests and all the existing tests in the current testsuite
for gfortran passed or failed as expected. Do I need to attach the test
results here?

The platform I tested on was a Docker container running in Docker Desktop,
running the "mcr.microsoft.com/devcontainers/universal:2-linux" image.

I also made sure that my code changes followed the coding standards. Please
let me know if there is anything else that I need to do. I don't have
write-access to the repository.



On Wed, Jun 28, 2023 at 4:14 PM Harald Anlauf <anl...@gmx.de> wrote:

> Hi Alex,
> welcome to the gfortran community.  It is great that you are trying
> to get actively involved.
> You already did quite a few things right: patches shall be sent to
> the gcc-patches ML, but Fortran reviewers usually notice them only
> where they are copied to the fortran ML.
> There are some general recommendations on the formatting of C code,
> like indentation, of the patches, and of the commit log entries.
> Regarding coding standards, see https://www.gnu.org/prep/standards/ .
> Regarding testcases, a recommendation is to have a look at
> existing testcases, e.g. in gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/, and then
> decide if the testcase shall test the compile-time or run-time
> behaviour, and add the necessary dejagnu directives.
> You should also verify if your patch passes regression testing.
> For changes to gfortran, it is usually sufficient to run
> make check-fortran -j <n>
> where <n> is the number of parallel tests.
> You would need to report also the platform where you tested on.
> There is also a legal issue to consider before non-trivial patches can
> be accepted for incorporation: https://gcc.gnu.org/contribute.html#legal
> If your patch is accepted and if you do not have write-access to the
> repository, one of the maintainers will likely take care of it.
> If you become a regular contributor, you will probably want to consider
> getting write access.
> Cheers,
> Harald
> On 6/24/23 19:17, Alexander Westbrooks via Gcc-patches wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I am new to the GFortran community. Over the past two weeks I created a
> > patch that should fix PR82943 for GFortran. I have attached it to this
> > email. The patch allows the code below to compile successfully. I am
> > working on creating test cases next, but I am new to the process so it
> may
> > take me some time. After I make test cases, do I email them to you as
> well?
> > Do I need to make a pull-request on github in order to get the patch
> > reviewed?
> >
> > Thank you,
> >
> > Alexander Westbrooks
> >
> > module testmod
> >
> >      public :: foo
> >
> >      type, public :: tough_lvl_0(a, b)
> >          integer, kind :: a = 1
> >          integer, len :: b
> >      contains
> >          procedure :: foo
> >      end type
> >
> >      type, public, EXTENDS(tough_lvl_0) :: tough_lvl_1 (c)
> >          integer, len :: c
> >      contains
> >          procedure :: bar
> >      end type
> >
> >      type, public, EXTENDS(tough_lvl_1) :: tough_lvl_2 (d)
> >          integer, len :: d
> >      contains
> >          procedure :: foobar
> >      end type
> >
> > contains
> >      subroutine foo(this)
> >          class(tough_lvl_0(1,*)), intent(inout) :: this
> >      end subroutine
> >
> >      subroutine bar(this)
> >          class(tough_lvl_1(1,*,*)), intent(inout) :: this
> >      end subroutine
> >
> >      subroutine foobar(this)
> >          class(tough_lvl_2(1,*,*,*)), intent(inout) :: this
> >      end subroutine
> >
> > end module
> >
> > PROGRAM testprogram
> >      USE testmod
> >
> >      TYPE(tough_lvl_0(1,5))     :: test_pdt_0
> >      TYPE(tough_lvl_1(1,5,6))   :: test_pdt_1
> >      TYPE(tough_lvl_2(1,5,6,7)) :: test_pdt_2
> >
> >      CALL test_pdt_0%foo()
> >
> >      CALL test_pdt_1%foo()
> >      CALL test_pdt_1%bar()
> >
> >      CALL test_pdt_2%foo()
> >      CALL test_pdt_2%bar()
> >      CALL test_pdt_2%foobar()
> >
> >
> > END PROGRAM testprogram

Attachment: 0001-Fix-fortran-PR82943-PR86148-and-PR86268.patch
Description: Binary data

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