On 2023-08-03 13:34, Qing Zhao wrote:
One thing I need to point out first is, currently, even for regular fixed size 
array in the structure,
We have this same issue, for example:

#define LENGTH 10

struct fix {
   size_t foo;
   int array[LENGTH];

int main ()
   struct fix *p;
   p = alloc_buf_more ();

   expect(__builtin_object_size(p->array, 1), LENGTH * sizeof(int));
   expect(__builtin_object_size(p->array, 0), -1);

Currently, for __builtin_object_size(p->array, 0),  GCC return UNKNOWN for it.
This is not a special issue for flexible array member.

That's fine for fixed arrays at the end of a struct because the "whole object" size could be anything; `p` could be pointing to the beginning of an array for all we know. If however `array` is strictly a flex array, i.e.:

struct A
  size_t foo;
  int array[];

then there's no way in valid C to have an array of `struct fix`, so `q` must be pointing to a single element. So you could deduce:

1. the minimum size of the whole object that q points to.


2. if you're able to determine the size of the flex array (through __element_count__(foo) for example), you could even determine the maximum size of the whole object.

For (2) though, you'd break applications that overallocate and then expect to be able to use that overallocation despite the space not being reflected in the __element_count__. I think it's a bug in the application and I can't see a way for an application to be able to do this in a valid way so I'm inclined towards breaking it.

Of course, the fact that gcc allows flex arrays to be in the middle of structs breaks the base assumption but that's something we need to get rid of anyway since there's no way for valid C programs to use that safely.


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