On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 1:53 PM, Tom Tromey <tro...@redhat.com> wrote:
>>>>>> "Lawrence" == Lawrence Crowl <cr...@google.com> writes:
> Tom> Doesn't this mean that if you have checking enabled, and you use the
> Tom> wrong macro on some tree, cc1 will crash?  That seems like a distinct
> Tom> minus to me.
> Lawrence> Yes, it does mean that, but it is a net overall improvement.
> It is a net debugging improvement compared to trunk, but not compared to
> using 'macro define's.
> It would be nice if there were a way to make cc1 not crash due to user
> error in the debugger.  I think this kind of crash will be especially
> crazy-making.

Then maybe someone should write some python scripts to do the
extractions so that the debugger will not crash.
Note I don't have enough experience with python or python scripting in
gdb to do that.


> Lawrence> These extensions are not on gdb's list of things to implement.
> As a digression - I guess they could be.
> Reusing the compiler for this seems like the only way to go.  But, we
> did look at using g++ to parse C++ expressions from gdb, and it was too
> slow :-(.  We're going to look again, at least to generate some bug
> reports if we can.
> Tom

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