On 2024-01-14 01:52, Jonathan Wakely wrote:
The reason for this is that the ChangeLog files are auto-generated from the git commit messages, not edited by hand. Patches to those files rarely apply cleanly anyway, because they change so frequently that patches are stale almost immediately.
Makes sense. I'm new to the GCC mailing lists, so that one was unfamiliar to me.

That would be great thanks. If not obvious, easy instructions for building the test would be helpful for Rust newbs such as myself!

I've actually managed to come up with a much more concise Objective-C demonstration. I've uploaded it at:

I'm unsure if my patch actually fixes it with this demo -- I need to work out how to use a patched GCC without installing it on my system, but without it breaking from not having things it expects to exist on the system.

I'm also going to go make sure that the Objective-C unwind personality is unique, otherwise we could have trouble.

Julia DeMille

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