> On Jan 30, 2024, at 12:41 AM, Kees Cook <keesc...@chromium.org> wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 29, 2024 at 10:45:23PM +0000, Qing Zhao wrote:
>> There are two things here. 
>> 1. The value of the “counted-by” is 0; (which is easy to be understood)
>> 2. The result of the _builtin_object_size when see a “counted-by” 0.
>> For 1, it’s simple, if we see a counted-by value <= 0,  then counted-by is 0;
> Okay, that's good; this matches my understanding. :)
>> But for 2, when the _builtin_object_size sees a “counted-by” 0, what’s value 
>> it will return for the object size?
>> Can we return 0 for the object size? 
> I don't see why not. For example:
> // -O2 -fstrict-flex-arrays=3
> struct s {
>    int a;
>    int b[4];
> } foo;
> #define report(x)   printf("%s: %zu\n", #x, (size_t)(x))
> int main(int argc, char *argv[])
> {
>    struct s foo;
>    report(__builtin_dynamic_object_size(&foo.b[4], 0));
>    report(__builtin_dynamic_object_size(&foo.b[5], 0));
>    report(__builtin_dynamic_object_size(&foo.b[-10], 0));
>    report(__builtin_dynamic_object_size(&foo.b[4], 1));
>    report(__builtin_dynamic_object_size(&foo.b[5], 1));
>    report(__builtin_dynamic_object_size(&foo.b[-10], 1));
>    report(__builtin_dynamic_object_size(&foo.b[4], 2));
>    report(__builtin_dynamic_object_size(&foo.b[5], 2));
>    report(__builtin_dynamic_object_size(&foo.b[-10], 2));
>    report(__builtin_dynamic_object_size(&foo.b[4], 3));
>    report(__builtin_dynamic_object_size(&foo.b[5], 3));
>    report(__builtin_dynamic_object_size(&foo.b[-10], 3));
>    return 0;
> }
> shows:
> __builtin_dynamic_object_size(&foo.b[4], 0): 0
> __builtin_dynamic_object_size(&foo.b[5], 0): 0
> __builtin_dynamic_object_size(&foo.b[-10], 0): 0
> __builtin_dynamic_object_size(&foo.b[4], 1): 0
> __builtin_dynamic_object_size(&foo.b[5], 1): 0
> __builtin_dynamic_object_size(&foo.b[-10], 1): 0
> __builtin_dynamic_object_size(&foo.b[4], 2): 0
> __builtin_dynamic_object_size(&foo.b[5], 2): 0
> __builtin_dynamic_object_size(&foo.b[-10], 2): 0
> __builtin_dynamic_object_size(&foo.b[4], 3): 0
> __builtin_dynamic_object_size(&foo.b[5], 3): 0
> __builtin_dynamic_object_size(&foo.b[-10], 3): 0
> This is showing "no bytes left" for the end of the b array, and if this
> index keeps going, it still reports 0 if we're past the end of the object
> completely. And it is similarly capped for negative indexes. This is
> true for all the __bos type bits.
> A "counted-by" of 0 (or below) would have the same meaning as an out of
> bounds index here.

Okay. I will keep this behavior when counted-by is zero (and negative) for 
>> (As I mentioned in the previous email, 0 in __builtin_object_size doesn’t 
>> mean size 0,
>> it means UNKNOWN_SIZE when the type is 2/3, So, what’s value we should 
>> return for the size 0?)
>> https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Object-Size-Checking.html
> I think I see what you mean, but I still think it should be 0 for 2/3,
> regardless of the documented interpretation. If that's the current
> response for a pathological index under 2/3, then I think it's totally
> reasonable that it should do the same for pathological bounds.

Okay, will keep this behavior for “counted-by” zero. 

(But still feel that 0 for 2/3, i.e the MINIMUM size will represent as 
 If that’s the value kernel expected, that’s good)
> And BTW, it seems there are 0-sized objects, though maybe they're some
> kind of special case:
> struct s {
>    int a;
>    struct { } nothing;
>    int b;
> };
> #define report(x)   printf("%s: %zu\n", #x, (size_t)(x))
> int main(int argc, char *argv[])
> {
>    struct s foo;
>    report(__builtin_dynamic_object_size(&foo.nothing, 1));
> }
> shows:
> __builtin_dynamic_object_size(&foo.nothing, 1): 0

Looks like that GCC has such extension: 

***GCC permits a C structure to have no members:
struct empty {

The structure has size zero. In C++, empty structures are part of the language. 
G++ treats empty structures as if they had a single member of type char.



> -Kees
> -- 
> Kees Cook

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