On 03/06/2024 21:40, Tobias Burnus wrote:
Andrew Stubbs wrote:
On 03/06/2024 17:46, Tobias Burnus wrote:
Andrew Stubbs wrote:
+        /* If USM has been requested and is supported by all devices
+           of this type, set the capability accordingly. */
+        if (omp_requires_mask & GOMP_REQUIRES_UNIFIED_SHARED_MEMORY)
+          current_device.capabilities |= GOMP_OFFLOAD_CAP_SHARED_MEM;

This breaks my USM patches that add the omp_alloc support (because it now short-circuits all of those code-paths),

which I believe is fine. Your USM patches are for pseudo-USM, i.e. a (useful) bandaid for systems where the memory is not truely unified-shared memory but only specially tagged host memory is device accessible. (e.g. only memory allocated via cuMemAllocManaged) — And, quite similar, for -foffload-memory=pinned.

Er, no.

The default do-nothing USM uses slow uncachable PCI memory accesses (on devices that don't have truly shared memory, like APUs).

I have no idea what a "default do nothing USM" is – and using the PCI-E to transfer the data is the only option unless there is either a common memory controller or some other interconnect Infinity Fabric interconnect).

"Do nothing USM" is when you don't do anything special and expect it to Just Work. So, use plain malloc as usual, not Managed Memory.

AMD has "fine grained" and "coarse grained" memory. The default is fine grained (or completely unshared), and in that mode the GPU accesses host memory on demand, one load/store instruction at a time. It does not migrate those pages; they always live in host memory. These accesses are slow, but transfer less memory and don't incur the OS/driver overhead cost of a full page-miss exception (nor do they require XNACK aware code), but they can win for occasional access (such as loading initial kernel parameters).

Coarse grained memory is where it gets interesting for USM. Before USM, allocating coarse grained memory meant allocating device-side memory. After USM, with HSA_XNACK enabled, host-side pages can also be registered as coarse grained memory, and it's these pages that auto-migrate. *Only* these pages. This is what hipMallocManaged does, and this is what OG13 and my patches do.

However, your description sounds as if you talk about pinned memory – which by construction cannot migrate – and not about managed memory, which is one of the main approaches for USM – especially as that's how HMM works and as it avoids to transfer any memory access.

No, for NVidia we use Cuda Managed Memory, and for AMD we implement our own "libgomp managed memory".

If you use a Linux kernel with HMM and have support for it, the default is that upon device access, the page migrates to the GPU (using, e.g. PCI-E) and then stays there until the host accesses that memory page again, triggering a page fault and transfer back. That's the whole idea of HMM and works similar to the migrate to disk feature (aka swapping), cf. https://docs.kernel.org/mm/hmm.html

Nope, that's not the default on AMD. The fact that Cuda Managed Memory exists suggests it's also not the default there, but I'm not sure about that.

That's the very same behavior as with hipMallocManaged with XNACK enabled according to https://rocm.docs.amd.com/en/develop/conceptual/gpu-memory.html

Only when you explicitly use hipMallocManaged.

As PowerPC + Volta (+ normal kernel) does not support USM but a system with + Nvlink does, I bet that on such a system, the memory stays on the host and Nvlink does the remote access, but I don't know how Nvlink handles caching. (The feature flags state that direct host-memory access from the device is possible.)

By contrast, for my laptop GPU (Nvidia RTX A1000) with open kernel drivers + CUDA drivers, I bet the memory migration will happen – especially as the feature flags direct host-memory access is not possible
I'm not convinced, but the NVidia side of things is much less clear to me.

One thing I learned from the pinned memory experience is that Cuda runs faster if you use its APIs to manage memory.

* * *

If host and device access data on the same memory page, page migration forth and back will happen continuously, which is very slow.

Which is why the new version of my patches (that I plan to post soon, but this issue needs to be resolved) are careful to keep migrateable pages separated from the main heap. Unfortunately, "require unified_shared_memory" is a blunt instrument and proper separation is generally impossible, but at least library data is separated (such as the HSA runtime!)

Also slow is if data is spread over many pages as one gets keeps getting page faults until the data is finally completely migrated. The solution in that case is a large page such that the data is transferred in one/few large chunks.

True, USM can rarely beat carefully planned explicit mappings (the exception perhaps being large quantities of sparsely used data).

In general using manual allocation (x = omp_alloc(...)) with a suitable allocator can manually avoid the problem by using pinning or large pages or … Without knowing the algorithm it is hard to have a generic solution.

If there such a concurrent access issue occurs for compiler generated code or with the run-time library, we should definitely try to fix it; for user code, it is probably hopeless in the generic case.

* * *

I actually tried to find an OpenMP target-offload benchmark, possibly for USM, but I failed. Most seem to be either not available or seriously broken – when testing starts by fixing OpenMP syntax bugs, it does not increase the trust in the testcase. — Can you suggest a testcase?

I don't have a good one, but a dumb memory copy should show the difference between fine and coarse grained memory.

* * *

The CUDA Managed Memory and AMD Coarse Grained memory implementation uses proper page migration and permits full-speed memory access on the device (just don't thrash the pages too fast).

As written, in my understanding that is what happens with HMM kernel support for any memory that is not explicitly pinned. The only extra trick an implementation can play is pinning the page – such that it knows that the memory host does not change (e.g. won't migrates to the other NUMA memory of the CPU or to swap space) such that the memory can be directly accessed.

I am pretty sure that's the reason, e.g., CUDA pinned memory is faster – and it might also help with HMM migration if the destination is known not to change; no idea whether the managed memory routines play such tricks or not.

I think I already explained this, for AMD at least.

Another optimization opportunity exists if it is known that the memory won't be accessed by host until the kernel ends, but I don't see this guaranteed in general in user code.

* * *

On AMD MI200, your check broken my USM testcases (because the code they were testing isn't active).  This is a serious performance problem.

"I need more data." — First, a valid USM testcase should not be broken in the mainline. Secondly, I don't see how a generic testcase can have a performance issue when USM works. And, I didn't see a test fail on mainline when testing on an MI200 system and on Summit as PowerPC + Volta + Nvlink system. Admittedly, I have not run the full testsuite on my laptop, but I also didn't see issues when testing a subset.

The testcase concerns the new ompx_host_mem_alloc that is explicitly intended to allocate memory that is compatible with libraries using malloc when the compiler is intercepting malloc calls.

In this case an explicit mapping is supposed to work as if USM isn't enabled (unless the memory is truly shared), but your patch can't tell the difference between malloc-intercepted USM and true shared memory, so it disables the mapping for ompx_host_mem_space also.

Additionally, If a specific implementation is required, well, then we have two ways to ensure that it works: effective target checking and using command line arguments. I have the feeling, you would like to use -foffload-memory=managed (alias 'unified') for that testcase.

We could use "managed" but that's not the OpenMP term. The intended purpose of "-foffload-memory=unified" is to be *precisely* the same as "require unified_shared_memory" because it was perceived that USM could improve the performance of some benchmarks, but you're not allowed to modify the source code.

And finally: As I keep telling: I do believe that -foffload-memory=managed/pinned has its use and should land in mainline. But that it shouldn't be the default.

No, it's absolutely not the default.


PS: I would love to do some comparisons on, e.g., Summit, my laptop, MI210, MI250X of host execution vs. USM as implemented on mainline vs. -foffload-memory= managed USM – and, in principle, vs. mapping. But I first need to find a suitable benchmark which is somewhat compute heavy and doesn't only test data transfer (like BabelStream).

Actually, I think testing only data transfer is fine for this, but we might like to try some different access patterns, besides straight linear copies.


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