Hi Gerald,
Gerald Pfeifer wrote:
+++ b/htdocs/gcc-15/changes.html
+ <li id="openmp"><a href="https://gcc.gnu.org/projects/gomp/">OpenMP</a>
Can you please make this a relative link, i.e. "../projects/gomp/"?
Good point. I thought such links should be absolute because of
(www.)GNU.org, i.e.
... but also that page has https://www.gnu.org/software/gcc/projects/gomp/
GNU.org does not have the documentation, but going to
https://www.gnu.org/software/gcc/onlinedocs/ or a subpage redirects (302
temporary redirect) to the GCC website. Likewise for '../git' but for
'../wiki' it has a HTTP 404 not found; fortunately, ../wiki/ works.
I think there are plenty of links which could be relative ones but are
absolute ones.
Looks like a janitorial task to fix the absolute links, possibly
excluding those with /git, /onlinedocs, /wiki – or assuming that the
main page is GCC.gnu.org, relying on the redirects.
In any case, those links are probably broken on GNU.org:
GCC diagnostic warning</code></a>
htdocs/gcc-5/changes.html: <li>A <a
* * *
+ <li>
+ OpenMP 5.1: The <code>unroll</code> and <code>tile</code>
+ loop-transformation constructs are now supported.
+ </li>
I'm thinking "loop transformation" in English? Or is this a specific term
from the standard?
Loop transformation happens at the end. But e.g "(#pragma omp) unroll
full" is a directive and, e.g.
#pragma omp unroll partial(2)
for (int i=0; i < n; i++)
a[i] = 5;
is a construct (= directive + structured block (if any) + end directive
(if any)).