On Jun 27, 2012, at 7:45 AM, Iain Buclaw wrote:
> I do have a question though, what is available for the transition of
> development from git to svn?  Other than a lot of ready and getting
> used to the various switches and commands on my part.

Why transition?  Quite a few people around here use git on a day to day basis 
and just push and pull to/from svn as they see fit.  gcc has a read-only git 
repo you can track and pull from.  For pushing into svn, you can use git to do 
that as well (dcommit).  You'll want to read up on work flows on the net... as 
dcommit and merges require a little extra caution that isn't obvious.

> As the D frontend goes through a sometimes experimental
> development process between each release, I'd rather have it so that I
> merge the frontend into GDC as each release happens, instead of
> keeping in constant sync.

You can evolve when and how often you push and pull...

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