Dear Paul,

thanks for the updated patch. While reading your patch, I was wondering whether the attached test case works or not.

Result: It does *not* print "Hello World" with neither gfortran nor crayftn. If one changes in "m3" the declared type of "x" from "t" to "t2", it shows "Hello World" with crayftn but still not with gfortran. I believe that it should show the message in both cases.

I think the call should be done in the generated _copy function, which brings me to the point about:

Paul Richard Thomas wrote:
Note that I have had to punt on defined assignments when there is more
than one part reference involved.  The warning message suggests making
the loops explicit to make the defined assignment work.

If I recall correctly, Mikael was wondering whether this should be handled by an elemental procedure. As _copy is an elemental procedure, it might be used.

module m
type t
end type t
end module m

module m2
use m
type, extends(t), public :: t2
   procedure :: assign1
   generic :: assignment(=)=>assign1
end type t2
  subroutine assign1(lhs,rhs)
    class(t2),intent(out) :: lhs
    class(t2),intent(in) :: rhs
    print *, 'Hello World'
  end subroutine assign1
end module m2

module m3
  use m
  type t3
    class(t), allocatable :: x
  end type t3
end module m3

module m4
  subroutine init(y)
    use m2
    use m3
    type(t3) :: y
    allocate(t2 :: y%x)
  end subroutine init
end module m4

use m3
use m4
type(t3) :: a, b
call init(a)
b = a

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