>>>>> "Thomas" == Thomas Quinot <qui...@adacore.com> writes:

Thomas> As for the size impact on line_map_ordinary, indeed that's an additional
Thomas> int here, but I'm not sure we allocate so many objects of that kind that
Thomas> the increase is significant.

Could you please measure it?
My guess is that it is worse than you think.

Thomas> Now, an alternative might be to have an array of instance IDs stored at
Thomas> the struct line_maps level, with the same indices at the set of ordinary
Thomas> maps, which would be allocated only when flag_debug_instances is used;
Thomas> when it is not used the cost would then be a single NULL pointer in
Thomas> struct line_maps. Would that be acceptable?

I thought there was already a similar approach in place.
See location_adhoc_data.
The proliferation of ways to do this is mildly worrying.


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