On 2012-12-13 23:08 , Lawrence Crowl wrote:

+  class iterator
+  {
+  public:
+    inline iterator ();
+    inline iterator (value_type **, value_type **);
+    inline value_type &operator * ();
+    void slide ();
+    inline iterator &operator ++ ();
+    inline bool operator != (const iterator &) const;
+  private:
+    value_type **slot_;
+    value_type **limit_;
+  };

This reminds me...  We (OK, *I*) should do the same in vec<>.

+/* Iterate through the elements of hash_table HTAB,
+   using hash_table <....>::iterator ITER,
+   storing each element in RESULT, which is of type TYPE.
+   This macro has this form for compatibility with the
+   FOR_EACH_HTAB_ELEMENT currently defined in tree-flow.h.  */
+  for ((ITER) = (HTAB).begin (); \
+       (ITER) != (HTAB).end () ? (RESULT = &*(ITER) , true) : false; \
+       ++(ITER))

I wonder if we shouldn't just get rid of this style of iteration. I never quite liked it. I guess it doesn't hurt, though.

The patch is OK.  Thanks.


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