Thanks for the confirmation that the -g issue is orthogonal. I did
start to try to address it but got pulled away by some other things
for awhile. I'll see if I can take another stab at it.

In the meantime, could one of the global maintainers take a look at
the patch? I don't want it to get too stale, and without these fixes I
am unable to get -freorder-blocks-and-partition to work at all.


On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 6:18 AM, Christophe Lyon
<> wrote:
> Hello,
> Sorry for the long delay (ref
> On 6 December 2012 20:26, Teresa Johnson <> wrote:
>> On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 7:48 AM, Christophe Lyon
>> <> wrote:
>>> I have updated my trunk checkout, and I can confirm that eval.c now
>>> compiles with your patch (and the other 4 patches I added to PR55121).
>> good
>>> Now, when looking at the whole Spec2k results:
>>> - vpr passes now (used to fail)
>> good
>>> - gcc, parser, perlbmk bzip2 and twolf no longer build: they all fail
>>> with the same error from gas:
>>> can't resolve `.text.unlikely' {.text.unlikely section} - `.LBB171'
>>> {.text section}
>>> - gap still does not build (same error as above)
>>> I haven't looked in detail, so I may be missing an obvious patch here.
>> Finally had a chance to get back to this. I was able to reproduce the
>> failure using x86_64 linux with "-freorder-blocks-and-partition -g".
>> However, I am also getting the same failure with a pristine copy of trunk.
>> Can you confirm whether you were seeing any of these failures without my
>> patches, because I believe they are probably a limitation with function
>> splitting and debug info that is orthogonal to my patch.
> Yes I confirm that I see these failures without your patch too; and
> both -freorder-blocks-and-partition and -g are present in my
> command-line.
> And now gap's integer.c fails to compile with a similar error message too.
>>> And I still observe runtime mis-behaviour on crafty, galgel, facerec and
>>> fma3d.
>> I'm not seeing this on x86_64, unfortunately, so it might require some
>> follow-on work to triage and fix.
>> I'll look into the gas failure, but if someone could review this patch in
>> the meantime given that it does improve things considerably (at least
>> without -g), that would be great.
> Indeed.
>> Thanks,
>> Teresa
> Thanks
> Christophe

Teresa Johnson | Software Engineer | | 408-460-2413

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