Le 13/04/2013 16:02, Janus Weil a écrit :
> Hi Mikael,
>> So, it seems that EXPR_FUNCTION is acceptable in gfc_match_varspec.
>> And then, there is nothing preventing 'c(i)' in 'c(i)%encM()' from being
>> parsed as a function.  Is this supported?
> I think this is forbidden by the Fortran standard, cf. e.g.
> http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=42188
> Actually I'm not sure in which context a function call with sub-refs
> would be valid. One should re-check the standard on this ...
Indeed, that's invalid:

structure-component is data-ref
data-ref is part-ref [ % part-ref ] ...
part-ref is part-name [ ( section-subscript-list ) ] [ image-selector ]

(R611) The leftmost part-name shall be the name of a data object.

I thought they were allowed for pointer-returning functions.


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