Hi Janus,

Janus Weil wrote:
here is a fix for class pointer initialization.

I think the patch looks reasonable. However, as soon as I try to use the variable, I get an ICE in write_global_declarations -> symtab_get_node. It works if one moves the targets into a module.

I wonder whether there is an ordering problem of the decl or something else. The dump has:

  static struct __class_MAIN___C_p cc = &cd;
  struct c cd;
  static struct __class_MAIN___C_p dc = ⅆ
  struct d dd;

Additionally, the CLASS are wrongly initialized: You only set "_data" (indirectly as it is the first field/component of the class) but you do not set the _vptr component. Hence, the my example fails at run time


PS: The test case. With module - fails at run time for same_type_as. Without module - one gets an ICE.

!module m
  type :: c
  end type c
  type, extends(c) :: d
  end type d
  type(c), target :: cd
  type(d), target :: dd
!end module m

!  use m
  class(c), pointer :: cc => cd
  class(c), pointer :: dc => dd

  if(.not. associated(cc, cd)) call abort()   ! OK
  if(.not. same_type_as(cc, cd)) call abort() ! Fails
  if(.not. associated(dc, dd)) call abort()   ! OK
  if(.not. same_type_as(dc, dd)) call abort() ! Fails

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