
On Fri, Aug 02, 2013 at 11:30:01PM -0500, Gabriel Dos Reis wrote:
> [ Adding Benjamin, Diego, Lawrence ]
> General remarks first:
> When we designed the coding standards for GCC, an overriding
> philosophy was that we did not want to be prescriptive.  Rather, we
> explicitly wanted to encourage common sense and trust the judgment
> of maintainers to make sound and appropriate judgments.
> More than a year later, I still believe that was the right thing to do
> and I would not want us to start being prescriptive.
> It is a "common wisdom" among C++ programmers that using directives
> in header files generally negate the benefits of namespaces, and can
> lead to surprises.  This is because most of the time, people don't go
> scrutinize header files; they include them (based on documentation
> of declared signatures) in many translation units.

Perhaps it was a mistake of mine but I never intended to discuss using
"using" in header files.  I was basically wondering whether we should
start a C file with "using namespace gcc" instead of sprinkling the
source below with "gcc::" qualifiers.  I suppose it probably depends
on what we intend to move in that particular namespace (or into
another namespace in general but I think that we should probably
discuss this only after a great deal of Andrew's re-architecting
actually happens and we see the clearer interfaces that will hopefully

> There is one notable exception to this, which is known as
> "namespace composition":
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16871390/why-is-namespace-composition-so-rarely-used
> We should probably amend the coding standards and include that hint,
> but I don't feel strongly about it.
> >
> > These aren't the GCC coding conventions, but the Google conventions:
> > http://google-styleguide.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/cppguide.xml#Namespaces
> > forbid using directives of the form:
> >   using NAMESPACE;
> > but suggest using directives of the form:
> >   using NAMESPACE::NAME;
> > to pick out individual names from a namespace, though *not* in global
> > scope in a header (to avoid polluting the global namespace).
> The using declarations are fine, as indicated.
> >
> > I like this approach - how about using it for frequently used names in
> > a .c/.cc file, keeping the names alphabetizing by "fully qualified
> > path", so e.g.:
> >
> >   #include "foo.h"
> >   ...
> >   #include "bar.h"
> >
> >   using gcc::context;
> >   using gcc::pass_manager;
> >   ...etc, individually grabbing the names we'll be needing
> >
> >   // code follows
> >
> > and thus avoiding grabbing whole namespaces, whilst keeping the code
> > concise.
> Agreed.

If that's the general feeling, I'll comply.  With only one big gcc
namespace, I do not see the point though.  Once we'll divide our
namespace, it will make sense.  (But as I wrote above, I think that
it will take and should take some time before we get there.)

> […]
> > Note that as per
> >   http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-patches/2013-07/msg01365.html
> > we'll use "pass_manager" rather than "pipeline", so this would look
> > like:
> >   pass_manager &get_passes () { gcc_assert (passes_); return *passes_; }
> >
> > We were chatting about C++ references on IRC on Friday, and IIRC there
> > was a strong objection to passing *arguments* that are non-const
> > references,
> I hope nobody is objecting to std::swap for example.

I'm not sure how I could object to std::swap or what good would that
be.  Apart from being the standard, it is also rather exceptional due
to its nature and its name.  Despite this special example, I think the
rule of not passing arguments as non-const references is a good one,
and it seems I am not alone.  Where I may differ from others is that I
also think that getter functions should (generally) return pointers or
const references too, and for similar reasons - the caller may
unintentionally modify data that the programmers thought were on the
stack but were in fact elsewhere else and "belonged" to someplace

Nevertheless, I do not want spend too much time arguing about this, it
seems I have not persuaded people that it will lead to bugs which will
be hard to debug and so let's drop this discussion and hope that I am
wrong (though I will swear a lot if I ever I stumble across such a


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