On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 9:26 AM, Jakub Jelinek <ja...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 09:13:34AM -0700, Easwaran Raman wrote:
>> >> There are more similar failures reported in
>> >> http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=57393 and I have attached
>> >> the updated patch there. Shall I send that for review? Apart from the
>> >> debug statement issue, almost all the bugs are due to dependence
>> >> violation because certain newly inserted statements do not have the
>> >> right UID. Instead of trying to catch all of them, will it be better
>> >> if I check if the stmt has a proper uid (non-zero if it is not the
>> >> first stmt) and assign a sensible value at the point where it is used
>> >> (find_insert_point and appears_later_in_bb) instead of where the stmt
>> >> is created? I think that would be less brittle.
>> >
>> > In the end all this placement stuff should be reverted and done as
>> > post-processing after reassoc is finished.  You can remember the
>> > inserted stmts that are candidates for moving (just set a pass-local
>> > flag on them) and assign UIDs for the whole function after all stmts
>> > are inserted.
>> The problem is we need sane UID values as reassoc is happening - not
>> after it is finished. As it process each stmt in reassoc_bb, it might
>> generate new stmts which might have to be compared in
>> find_insert_point or appears_later_in_bb.
> A new stmt will be created with UID 0 and in case there is stmt movement,
> you could zero the UID during movement.  Then, you can just special case
> UID zero when you are looking at UIDs.  As on trunk/4.8 gsi_for_stmt is
> O(1), you can easily walk a couple of previous and/or later stmts and look
> for the first non-zero UID around it, and treat it as if the UID was
> previous non-zero UID + 0.5 or next non-zero UID - 0.5.  And, if you see
> too many consecutive statements with UID 0 (more than some constant, 32?),
> just reassign UIDs to the whole bb.  Or you could initially assign UIDs
> with some gaps, then keep filling those gaps and once you fill them,
> renumber again with new gaps.
>         Jakub

Yes, this is pretty much what I was proposing. The current
implementation doesn't rely on UIDs being unique - they only have to
be monotonically non-decreasing. So, when a UID of 0 is encountered,
go up till a non-zero UID is found and then go down and assign this
non-zero UID. This effectively implies that each UID-0 stmt is visited
at most twice. I don't think we need to check if I see more than
certain number of UID-0 stmts and redo the entire BB.

- Easwaran

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