Jeff Law <> wrote:
>On 09/18/2013 11:17 AM, Michael Matz wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On Wed, 18 Sep 2013, Jeff Law wrote:
>>> On 09/18/2013 10:24 AM, Michael Matz wrote:
>>>> I'm irritated by the member name uglification (e.g. equiv_stack_
>>>> trailing underscore).  I know that's a certain style to mark
>>>> members, but I think it's a bad style (like prefixing variable
>names with
>>>> their type), and before it sets a precedent in GCCs c++ coding
>style I'd
>>>> like this to be changed, like in the below.
>>> We're already using the trailing underscore idiom for private
>>> moving into classes (see the pass class).
>> I know, and I don't like it there either.
>Well, as Ian pointed out, it is in our recommended style guidelines and
>you'll find uses in the vec class as well.  It's well established at 
>this point and I see no compelling reason to go back unless you can 
>convince the project as a whole to change the C++ guidelines.
>>>> I'd also like us to not use member privatization in our classes,
>>>> that's not in the patch, but if we could agree on that it would be
>>> Member privatization is quite natural.  What specifically do you not
>>> about the practice?
>> That was conditional on "when we need to jump through hoops", but for
>> constistency it'd make sense to avoid it everywhere.
>> (I know that Ian agreed to that mail, but somehow the mailing list
>> archives don't have that!?)
>I don't see anything in Trevor's work that requires jumping through 
>hoops.  It's pretty simple stuff.  And again, as Ian pointed out, our 
>established guidelines for C++ usage encourage this behaviour.
>>>> Regstrapped on x86-64-linux, okay?
>>> Obviously any ChangeLog, formatting and such can go in.  However,
>>> trailing underscore should stay given it's already established
>>> and has several nice benefits.
>> What's the benefit of reading and writing such noisy lines? :
>>        *out_mode = mode_;
>>        mode_ = GET_MODE_WIDER_MODE (mode_);
>>        count_++;
>It makes it very clear to the reader that we're dealing with objects 
>that belong to a class instance rather than direct access to an auto or
>static.  That can be important.

There is a language specific way, too. Just qualify accesses with this-> that 
also avoids all the interesting name-lookup issues with dependent names.


>> The uglification merely makes code harder to write and read, it
>should be
>> used in cases where you _don't_ want developers to write such names.
>I feel it makes it harder in some ways and easier in others.
>Given it's recommended by our C++ guidelines which were discussed at 
>length, I'm going to explicitly NAK your patch.  If you want to re-open
>the guidelines for C++ usage, then that's fine with me and if we as a 
>project change the guidelines to disallow such things, then that will
>the time to remove the trailing underscores, private members, etc.
>FWIW, I have worked on large C++ codebases that were a free-for-all and
>found them *amazingly* painful.  The restricted set allowed for GCC is 
>actually quite reasonable IMHO, particularly for projects where the
>body of code is evolving from a pure C base.

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