
This patch implements the behavior of vdiv_f64 intrinsic
and adds regression tests for vdiv[q]_f[32,64] NEON intrinsics.

Full aarch64-none-elf regression test ran with no regressions.

Is it OK?



2013-09-10  Alex Velenko  <alex.vele...@arm.com>

            * gcc.target/aarch64/vdiv_f.c: New testcase.


2013-09-10  Alex Velenko  <alex.vele...@arm.com>

            * config/aarch64/arm_neon.h (vdiv_f64): Added.
diff --git a/gcc/config/aarch64/arm_neon.h b/gcc/config/aarch64/arm_neon.h
index b8791b7b5dd7123b6d708aeb2321986673a0c0cd..db9bf28227e87072b48f5dca8835be8007c6b93d 100644
--- a/gcc/config/aarch64/arm_neon.h
+++ b/gcc/config/aarch64/arm_neon.h
@@ -1210,6 +1210,12 @@ vdiv_f32 (float32x2_t __a, float32x2_t __b)
   return __a / __b;
+__extension__ static __inline float64x1_t __attribute__ ((__always_inline__))
+vdiv_f64 (float64x1_t __a, float64x1_t __b)
+  return __a / __b;
 __extension__ static __inline float32x4_t __attribute__ ((__always_inline__))
 vdivq_f32 (float32x4_t __a, float32x4_t __b)
diff --git a/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/aarch64/vdiv_f.c b/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/aarch64/vdiv_f.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cc3a9570c0fac0dcbf38f38314a416cca5e58c6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/aarch64/vdiv_f.c
@@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
+/* Test vdiv works correctly.  */
+/* { dg-do run } */
+/* { dg-options "-O3 --save-temps" } */
+#include <arm_neon.h>
+#define FLT_INFINITY (__builtin_inff ())
+#define DBL_INFINITY (__builtin_inf ())
+#define NAN (0.0 / 0.0)
+#define PI 3.141592653589793
+#define PI_4 0.7853981633974483
+#define SQRT2 1.4142135623730951
+#define SQRT1_2 0.7071067811865475
+#define TESTA0 PI
+#define TESTA1 -PI
+#define TESTA2 PI
+#define TESTA3 -PI
+#define TESTA4 1.0
+#define TESTA5 -1.0
+#define TESTA6 1.0
+#define TESTA7 -1.0
+/* 2^25+1, float has 24 significand bits
+   according to Single-precision floating-point format.  */
+#define TESTA8_FLT 33554433
+/* 2^54+1, double has 53 significand bits
+   according to Double-precision floating-point format.  */
+#define TESTA8_DBL 18014398509481985
+#define TESTA9 -TESTA8
+#define TESTA10 TESTA8
+#define TESTA11 -TESTA8
+#define TESTA12 NAN
+#define TESTA13 1.0
+#define TESTA15 -INFINITY
+#define TESTA17 9.0
+#define TESTA18 11.0
+#define TESTA19 13.0
+#define TESTB0 4.0
+#define TESTB1 4.0
+#define TESTB2 -4.0
+#define TESTB3 -4.0
+#define TESTB4 SQRT2
+#define TESTB5 SQRT2
+#define TESTB6 -SQRT2
+#define TESTB7 -SQRT2
+#define TESTB8 2.0
+#define TESTB9 2.0
+#define TESTB10 -2.0
+#define TESTB11 -2.0
+#define TESTB12 3.0
+#define TESTB13 NAN
+#define TESTB14 5.0
+#define TESTB15 7.0
+#define TESTB18 -INFINITY
+#define TESTB19 0
+#define ANSW0 PI_4
+#define ANSW1 -PI_4
+#define ANSW2 -PI_4
+#define ANSW3 PI_4
+#define ANSW4 SQRT1_2
+#define ANSW5 -SQRT1_2
+#define ANSW6 -SQRT1_2
+#define ANSW7 SQRT1_2
+#define ANSW8_FLT 16777216
+#define ANSW8_DBL 9007199254740992
+#define ANSW9 -ANSW8
+#define ANSW10 -ANSW8
+#define ANSW11 ANSW8
+#define ANSW12 NAN
+#define ANSW13 NAN
+#define ANSW14 INFINITY
+#define ANSW15 -INFINITY
+#define ANSW16 NAN
+#define ANSW17 0
+#define ANSW18 0
+#define ANSW19 INFINITY
+#define CONCAT(a, b) a##b
+#define CONCAT1(a, b) CONCAT (a, b)
+#define REG_INFEX64 _
+#define REG_INFEX128 q_
+#define REG_INFEX(reg_len) REG_INFEX##reg_len
+#define POSTFIX(reg_len, data_len) \
+  CONCAT1 (REG_INFEX (reg_len), f##data_len)
+#define DATA_TYPE_32 float
+#define DATA_TYPE_64 double
+#define DATA_TYPE(data_len) DATA_TYPE_##data_len
+#define EPSILON_32 __FLT_EPSILON__
+#define EPSILON_64 __DBL_EPSILON__
+#define EPSILON(data_len) EPSILON_##data_len
+#define INDEX64_32 [i]
+#define INDEX64_64
+#define INDEX128_32 [i]
+#define INDEX128_64 [i]
+#define INDEX(reg_len, data_len) \
+  CONCAT1 (INDEX, reg_len##_##data_len)
+#define LOAD_INST(reg_len, data_len) \
+  CONCAT1 (vld1, POSTFIX (reg_len, data_len))
+#define DIV_INST(reg_len, data_len) \
+  CONCAT1 (vdiv, POSTFIX (reg_len, data_len))
+#define ABS(a) __builtin_fabs (a)
+#define ISNAN(a) __builtin_isnan (a)
+#define FP_equals(a, b, epsilon)			\
+  (							\
+   ((a) == (b))						\
+    || (ISNAN (a) && ISNAN (b))				\
+    || (ABS (a - b) < epsilon)				\
+  )
+#define INHIB_OPTIMIZATION asm volatile ("" : : : "memory")
+#define RUN_TEST(a, b, c, testseta, testsetb, answset, count,		\
+		 reg_len, data_len, n)					\
+{									\
+  int i;								\
+  (a) = LOAD_INST (reg_len, data_len) (testseta[count]);		\
+  (b) = LOAD_INST (reg_len, data_len) (testsetb[count]);		\
+  (c) = LOAD_INST (reg_len, data_len) (answset[count]);			\
+  (a) = DIV_INST (reg_len, data_len) (a, b);				\
+  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)						\
+  {									\
+    if (!FP_equals ((a) INDEX (reg_len, data_len),			\
+		    (c) INDEX (reg_len, data_len),			\
+		    EPSILON (data_len)))				\
+      return 1;								\
+  }									\
+extern void abort (void);
+#define TESTA8 TESTA8_FLT
+#define ANSW8 ANSW8_FLT
+test_vdiv_f32 ()
+  int count;
+  float32x2_t a;
+  float32x2_t b;
+  float32x2_t c;
+  float32_t testseta[10][2] = {
+    { TESTA0, TESTA1 }, { TESTA2, TESTA3 },
+    { TESTA4, TESTA5 }, { TESTA6, TESTA7 },
+    { TESTA8, TESTA9 }, { TESTA10, TESTA11 },
+    { TESTA12, TESTA13 }, { TESTA14, TESTA15 },
+    { TESTA16, TESTA17 }, { TESTA18, TESTA19 }
+  };
+  float32_t testsetb[10][2] = {
+    { TESTB0, TESTB1 }, { TESTB2, TESTB3 },
+    { TESTB4, TESTB5 }, { TESTB6, TESTB7 },
+    { TESTB8, TESTB9 }, { TESTB10, TESTB11 },
+    { TESTB12, TESTB13 }, { TESTB14, TESTB15 },
+    { TESTB16, TESTB17 }, { TESTB18, TESTB19 }
+  };
+  float32_t answset[10][2] = {
+    { ANSW0, ANSW1 }, { ANSW2, ANSW3 },
+    { ANSW4, ANSW5 }, { ANSW6, ANSW7 },
+    { ANSW8, ANSW9 }, { ANSW10, ANSW11 },
+    { ANSW12, ANSW13 }, { ANSW14, ANSW15 },
+    { ANSW16, ANSW17 }, { ANSW18, ANSW19 }
+  };
+  for (count = 0; count < 10; count++)
+    {
+      RUN_TEST (a, b, c, testseta, testsetb, answset, count, 64, 32, 2);
+    }
+  return 0;
+/* { dg-final { scan-assembler-times "fdiv\\tv\[0-9\]+\.2s, v\[0-9\]+\.2s, v\[0-9\]+\.2s" 1 } } */
+#undef TESTA8
+#undef ANSW8
+#undef INFINITY
+#define TESTA8 TESTA8_DBL
+#define ANSW8 ANSW8_DBL
+test_vdiv_f64 ()
+  int count;
+  float64x1_t a;
+  float64x1_t b;
+  float64x1_t c;
+  float64_t testseta[20][1] = {
+    { TESTA0 }, { TESTA1 }, { TESTA2 }, { TESTA3 },
+    { TESTA4 }, { TESTA5 }, { TESTA6 }, { TESTA7 },
+    { TESTA8 }, { TESTA9 }, { TESTA10 }, { TESTA11 },
+    { TESTA12 }, { TESTA13 }, { TESTA14 }, { TESTA15 },
+    { TESTA16 }, { TESTA17 }, { TESTA18 }, { TESTA19 }
+  };
+  float64_t testsetb[20][1] = {
+    { TESTB0 }, { TESTB1 }, { TESTB2 }, { TESTB3 },
+    { TESTB4 }, { TESTB5 }, { TESTB6 }, { TESTB7 },
+    { TESTB8 }, { TESTB9 }, { TESTB10 }, { TESTB11 },
+    { TESTB12 }, { TESTB13 }, { TESTB14 }, { TESTB15 },
+    { TESTB16 }, { TESTB17 }, { TESTB18 }, { TESTB19 }
+  };
+  float64_t answset[20][1] = {
+    { ANSW0 }, { ANSW1 }, { ANSW2 }, { ANSW3 },
+    { ANSW4 }, { ANSW5 }, { ANSW6 }, { ANSW7 },
+    { ANSW8 }, { ANSW9 }, { ANSW10 }, { ANSW11 },
+    { ANSW12 }, { ANSW13 }, { ANSW14 }, { ANSW15 },
+    { ANSW16 }, { ANSW17 }, { ANSW18 }, { ANSW19 }
+  };
+  for (count = 0; count < 20; count++)
+    {
+      RUN_TEST (a, b, c, testseta, testsetb, answset, count, 64, 64, 1);
+    }
+  return 0;
+/* The following assembly should match 2 more times,
+   in 64bit NAN generation.  */
+/* { dg-final { scan-assembler-times "fdiv\\td\[0-9\]+, d\[0-9\]+, d\[0-9\]+" 3 } } */
+#undef TESTA8
+#undef ANSW8
+#undef INFINITY
+#define TESTA8 TESTA8_FLT
+#define ANSW8 ANSW8_FLT
+test_vdivq_f32 ()
+  int count;
+  float32x4_t a;
+  float32x4_t b;
+  float32x4_t c;
+  float32_t testseta[5][4] = {
+    { TESTA0, TESTA1, TESTA2, TESTA3 },
+    { TESTA4, TESTA5, TESTA6, TESTA7 },
+    { TESTA8, TESTA9, TESTA10, TESTA11 },
+    { TESTA12, TESTA13, TESTA14, TESTA15 },
+    { TESTA16, TESTA17, TESTA18, TESTA19 }
+  };
+  float32_t testsetb[5][4] = {
+    { TESTB0, TESTB1, TESTB2, TESTB3 },
+    { TESTB4, TESTB5, TESTB6, TESTB7 },
+    { TESTB8, TESTB9, TESTB10, TESTB11 },
+    { TESTB12, TESTB13, TESTB14, TESTB15 },
+    { TESTB16, TESTB17, TESTB18, TESTB19 }
+  };
+  float32_t answset[5][4] = {
+    { ANSW0, ANSW1, ANSW2, ANSW3 },
+    { ANSW4, ANSW5, ANSW6, ANSW7 },
+    { ANSW8, ANSW9, ANSW10, ANSW11 },
+    { ANSW12, ANSW13, ANSW14, ANSW15 },
+    { ANSW16, ANSW17, ANSW18, ANSW19 }
+  };
+  for (count = 0; count < 5; count++)
+    {
+      RUN_TEST (a, b, c, testseta, testsetb, answset, count, 128, 32, 4);
+    }
+  return 0;
+/* { dg-final { scan-assembler-times "fdiv\\tv\[0-9\]+\.4s, v\[0-9\]+\.4s, v\[0-9\]+\.4s" 1 } } */
+#undef TESTA8
+#undef ANSW8
+#undef INFINITY
+#define TESTA8 TESTA8_DBL
+#define ANSW8 ANSW8_DBL
+test_vdivq_f64 ()
+  int count;
+  float64x2_t a;
+  float64x2_t b;
+  float64x2_t c;
+  float64_t testseta[10][2] = {
+    { TESTA0, TESTA1 }, { TESTA2, TESTA3 },
+    { TESTA4, TESTA5 }, { TESTA6, TESTA7 },
+    { TESTA8, TESTA9 }, { TESTA10, TESTA11 },
+    { TESTA12, TESTA13 }, { TESTA14, TESTA15 },
+    { TESTA16, TESTA17 }, { TESTA18, TESTA19 }
+  };
+  float64_t testsetb[10][2] = {
+    { TESTB0, TESTB1 }, { TESTB2, TESTB3 },
+    { TESTB4, TESTB5 }, { TESTB6, TESTB7 },
+    { TESTB8, TESTB9 }, { TESTB10, TESTB11 },
+    { TESTB12, TESTB13 }, { TESTB14, TESTB15 },
+    { TESTB16, TESTB17 }, { TESTB18, TESTB19 }
+  };
+  float64_t answset[10][2] = {
+    { ANSW0, ANSW1 }, { ANSW2, ANSW3 },
+    { ANSW4, ANSW5 }, { ANSW6, ANSW7 },
+    { ANSW8, ANSW9 }, { ANSW10, ANSW11 },
+    { ANSW12, ANSW13 }, { ANSW14, ANSW15 },
+    { ANSW16, ANSW17 }, { ANSW18, ANSW19 }
+  };
+  for (count = 0; count < 10; count++)
+    {
+      RUN_TEST (a, b, c, testseta, testsetb, answset, count, 128, 64, 2);
+    }
+  return 0;
+/* { dg-final { scan-assembler-times "fdiv\\tv\[0-9\]+\.2d, v\[0-9\]+\.2d, v\[0-9\]+\.2d" 1 } } */
+main (int argc, char **argv)
+  if (test_vdiv_f32 ())
+    abort ();
+  if (test_vdiv_f64 ())
+    abort ();
+  if (test_vdivq_f32 ())
+    abort ();
+  if (test_vdivq_f64 ())
+    abort ();
+  return 0;
+/* { dg-final { cleanup-saved-temps } } */

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