Tobias Burnus wrote:
Thanks for looking at the patch. However, the patch has a link
problem. The documentation is at
That's also the link I use in the changes.html file. However, some
script changes the link to:
which won't work. Try yourself at
Actually, a similar issue was reported at
The reason for the broken links are the following lines in the
/www/bin/preprocess script:
Gerald, do you still know why you added it 9 years ago? The commit
comment is "Use sed to work around makeinfo 4.7 brokenness."
I think "makeinfo" is still broken, but those pages do not seem to go
through the preprocess script, which means that only links to that page
will change to a hyphen, breaking the links.
Do you think it would be sensible to remove those lines again - or,
alternatively, to run a similar script (e.g. "perl -i -e 's/_002d/-/g'
`find onlinedocs -name \*.html`) on the onlinedocs/.
I think the impact of the the former on links is smaller. (One still
needs to re-run the script on those files to restore the links.)