I am sorry that in the haste of battle that mike did not have an opportunity to write a proper introduction to the is patch. The patch was submitted last night so that it could be formally submitted by the end of stage 1.

This patch is the same as the top of the wide-int branch that has been publicly available for public view and comment for the last several months. During that time it has significantly evolved and improved. The wide-int interface has changed in significant ways as well as it has now been tested on at least one instance of every active architecture and has been tested on one or two architectures for every single language.

The wide-int branch deals with a fundamental data structure problem in the current gcc trunk. Integer math larger than 64 bits is generally buggy and beyond 128 bits is completely wrong and generally causes the compiler to ICE. This patch fixes all of the 128 bits and below problems for every port, and if certain changes are made to the port (see the part of the diff relating to the RS6000 for an example) can support integers of any size.

Currently there are a few public ports that have some code that uses OImode. The usage of OImode in those ports is currently limited. I personally do not know if it is because the architectures make very limited use of OImode, or if the port maintainers could not justify doing the work that we have done here. However, when this patch is accepted, GCC will be able support any length integer for any kind of operation.


On 11/21/2013 05:08 PM, Mike Stump wrote:
This patch adds support for ints wider than double_int.


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