On Tue, Dec 03, 2013 at 02:01:17PM +0000, Iyer, Balaji V wrote:
> In Cilk_for you don't need to privatize any variables. I need to pass in
> the loop_count, the grain (if the user specifies one), the nested function
> and its context to a Cilk specific function:__cilkrts_cilk_for_64 (or 32). 
> The nested function has the body of the _Cilk_for and it has 3 parameter,
> context, start and end, where the start and end are passed in by the
> runtime which will tell what parts of the loop to execute.  This thread
> has an example: http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-patches/2013-11/msg03567.html

So Cilk+ only allows say:
        _Cilk_for (int ii = 5; ii < 15; ii++)
and not
        int ii;
        _Cilk_for (ii = 5; ii < 15; ii++)
?  Other variables can be all shared, that is after all the default
for #pragma omp parallel for, except for the IVs and a couple of other
exceptions (e.g. readonly vars etc.), if somebody wants private vars,
they can be surely declared inside of the <body> somwhere.


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