
On Mon, 10 Feb 2014 13:44:51 +0400, Ilmir Usmanov <i.usma...@samsung.com> wrote:
> > As -fopenmp seemingly can be mixed with -fopenacc, I think it would be 
> > nice to have some test cases where !$omp and !$acc are both placed - 
> > in either order - before the same Fortran statement.
> >
> I'm going to test this, too. There are can be some compilcations while 
> using both !$omp and !$acc on single statement.

For the record, in the C front end and middle end, I'm currently refusing
any nesting of OpenACC and OpenMP directives (keeping that "fun" for
later...).  See gcc/testsuite/c-c++-common/goacc-gomp/nesting-fail-1.c
and gcc/testsuite/c-c++-common/goacc/nesting-fail-1.c in r204532,


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