algorithm we should use; so when compiling a regex, the number of
quantifiers(*, +, ?) will be counted and will be used for the
algorithm switching.

However, I do think give user the manual switch may make things
simpler: _GLIBCXX_REGEX_USE_THOMPSON_NFA. By default we'll use the DFS
executor, which Boost and libc++ have (only, I believe).

Users who know what they are doing and willing to pay for what they
get may switch to the Thompson NFA (we call it BFS approach) by
defining this macro.

A regex that contains back references will never be executed by a Thompson NFA.

The whole patch series are booted and tested, but this one is not
seperatly tested.


Tim Shen
commit 7375e9662232054465ea5c606c88130e38296ff1
Author: tim <timshe...@gmail.com>
Date:   Fri Apr 25 01:49:31 2014 -0400

    2014-04-25  Tim Shen  <timshe...@gmail.com>
        * include/bits/regex.tcc (__regex_algo_impl<>): Remove
        * include/bits/regex_automaton.h: Remove quantifier counting variable.
        * include/bits/regex_automaton.tcc (_State_base::_M_dot):
        Adjust debug NFA dump.

diff --git a/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/regex.tcc 
index 5fa1f01..d4d16a6 100644
--- a/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/regex.tcc
+++ b/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/regex.tcc
@@ -28,12 +28,12 @@
  *  Do not attempt to use it directly. @headername{regex}
-// See below __regex_algo_impl to get what this is talking about. The default
-// value 1 indicated a conservative optimization without giving up worst case
-// performance.
+// A non-standard switch to let the user pick the matching algorithm.
+// If _GLIBCXX_REGEX_USE_THOMPSON_NFA is defined, the thompson NFA
+// algorithm will be used. This algorithm is not by default, and cannot
+// be used if the regex contains back-references, but has better
+// (polynomial instead of exponential) worst case performace.
+// See __regex_algo_impl below.
 namespace std _GLIBCXX_VISIBILITY(default)
       // This function decide which executor to use under given circumstances.
       // The _S_auto policy now is the following: if a NFA has no
-      // back-references and has more than _GLIBCXX_REGEX_DFS_QUANTIFIERS_LIMIT
+      // back-references and has more than _GLIBCXX_REGEX_USE_THOMPSON_NFA
       // quantifiers (*, +, ?), the BFS executor will be used, other wise
       // DFS executor. This is because DFS executor has a exponential upper
       // bound, but better best-case performace. Meanwhile, BFS executor can
       bool __ret;
       if (!__re._M_automaton->_M_has_backref
          && (__policy == _RegexExecutorPolicy::_S_alternate
-             || __re._M_automaton->_M_quant_count
+             || true
+             ))
          _Executor<_BiIter, _Alloc, _TraitsT, false>
            __executor(__s, __e, __m, __re, __flags);
diff --git a/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/regex_automaton.h 
index a442cfe..64ecd6d 100644
--- a/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/regex_automaton.h
+++ b/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/regex_automaton.h
       size_t _M_backref_index;  // for _S_opcode_backref
-       // for _S_opcode_alternative.
-       _StateIdT  _M_quant_index;
        // for _S_opcode_alternative or _S_opcode_subexpr_lookahead
        _StateIdT  _M_alt;
        // for _S_opcode_word_boundary or _S_opcode_subexpr_lookahead or
     _NFA_base(_FlagT __f)
     : _M_flags(__f), _M_start_state(0), _M_subexpr_count(0),
-    _M_quant_count(0), _M_has_backref(false)
+    _M_has_backref(false)
     { }
     _NFA_base(_NFA_base&&) = default;
     _FlagT                    _M_flags;
     _StateIdT                 _M_start_state;
     _SizeT                    _M_subexpr_count;
-    _SizeT                    _M_quant_count;
     bool                      _M_has_backref;
        _StateT __tmp(_S_opcode_alternative);
        // It labels every quantifier to make greedy comparison easier in BFS
        // approach.
-       __tmp._M_quant_index = this->_M_quant_count++;
        __tmp._M_next = __next;
        __tmp._M_alt = __alt;
        __tmp._M_neg = __neg;
diff --git a/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/regex_automaton.tcc 
index 1476ae2..38787fa 100644
--- a/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/regex_automaton.tcc
+++ b/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/regex_automaton.tcc
       case _S_opcode_alternative:
        __ostr << __id << " [label=\"" << __id << "\\nALT\"];\n"
               << __id << " -> " << _M_next
-              << " [label=\"epsilon\", tailport=\"s\"];\n"
+              << " [label=\"next\", tailport=\"s\"];\n"
               << __id << " -> " << _M_alt
-              << " [label=\"epsilon\", tailport=\"n\"];\n";
+              << " [label=\"alt\", tailport=\"n\"];\n";
       case _S_opcode_backref:
        __ostr << __id << " [label=\"" << __id << "\\nBACKREF "

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