This header is the public API for the library.

        * libgccjit.h: New.
 gcc/jit/libgccjit.h | 977 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 977 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 gcc/jit/libgccjit.h

diff --git a/gcc/jit/libgccjit.h b/gcc/jit/libgccjit.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e03412
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc/jit/libgccjit.h
@@ -0,0 +1,977 @@
+/* A pure C API to enable client code to embed GCC as a JIT-compiler.
+   Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GCC.
+GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GCC; see the file COPYING3.  If not see
+<>.  */
+#ifndef LIBGCCJIT_H
+#define LIBGCCJIT_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+ Data structures.
+ **********************************************************************/
+/* All structs within the API are opaque. */
+/* A gcc_jit_context encapsulates the state of a compilation.  It goes
+   through two states:
+   (1) "initial", during which you can set up options on it, and add
+       types, functions and code, using the API below.
+       Invoking gcc_jit_context_compile on it transitions it to the
+       "after compilation" state.
+   (2) "after compilation", when you can call gcc_jit_context_release to
+       clean up.  */
+typedef struct gcc_jit_context gcc_jit_context;
+/* A gcc_jit_result encapsulates the result of a compilation.  */
+typedef struct gcc_jit_result gcc_jit_result;
+/* An object created within a context.  Such objects are automatically
+   cleaned up when the context is released.
+   The class hierarchy looks like this:
+     +- gcc_jit_object
+         +- gcc_jit_location
+         +- gcc_jit_type
+           +- gcc_jit_struct
+         +- gcc_jit_field
+         +- gcc_jit_function
+         +- gcc_jit_block
+         +- gcc_jit_rvalue
+             +- gcc_jit_lvalue
+                 +- gcc_jit_param
+typedef struct gcc_jit_object gcc_jit_object;
+/* A gcc_jit_location encapsulates a source code location, so that
+   you can (optionally) associate locations in your language with
+   statements in the JIT-compiled code, allowing the debugger to
+   single-step through your language.
+   Note that to do so, you also need to enable
+   on the gcc_jit_context.
+   gcc_jit_location instances are optional; you can always pass
+   NULL.  */
+typedef struct gcc_jit_location gcc_jit_location;
+/* A gcc_jit_type encapsulates a type e.g. "int" or a "struct foo*".  */
+typedef struct gcc_jit_type gcc_jit_type;
+/* A gcc_jit_field encapsulates a field within a struct; it is used
+   when creating a struct type (using gcc_jit_context_new_struct_type).
+   Fields cannot be shared between structs.  */
+typedef struct gcc_jit_field gcc_jit_field;
+/* A gcc_jit_struct encapsulates a struct type, either one that we have
+   the layout for, or an opaque type.  */
+typedef struct gcc_jit_struct gcc_jit_struct;
+/* A gcc_jit_function encapsulates a function: either one that you're
+   creating yourself, or a reference to one that you're dynamically
+   linking to within the rest of the process.  */
+typedef struct gcc_jit_function gcc_jit_function;
+/* A gcc_jit_block encapsulates a "basic block" of statements within a
+   function (i.e. with one entry point and one exit point).
+   Every block within a function must be terminated with a conditional,
+   a branch, or a return.
+   The blocks within a function form a directed graph.
+   The entrypoint to the function is the first block created within
+   it.
+   All of the blocks in a function must be reachable via some path from
+   the first block.
+   It's OK to have more than one "return" from a function (i.e. multiple
+   blocks that terminate by returning).  */
+typedef struct gcc_jit_block gcc_jit_block;
+/* A gcc_jit_rvalue is an expression within your code, with some type.  */
+typedef struct gcc_jit_rvalue gcc_jit_rvalue;
+/* A gcc_jit_lvalue is a storage location within your code (e.g. a
+   variable, a parameter, etc).  It is also a gcc_jit_rvalue; use
+   gcc_jit_lvalue_as_rvalue to cast.  */
+typedef struct gcc_jit_lvalue gcc_jit_lvalue;
+/* A gcc_jit_param is a function parameter, used when creating a
+   gcc_jit_function.  It is also a gcc_jit_lvalue (and thus also an
+   rvalue); use gcc_jit_param_as_lvalue to convert.  */
+typedef struct gcc_jit_param gcc_jit_param;
+   Acquire a JIT-compilation context.
+   FIXME: error-handling?
+extern gcc_jit_context *
+gcc_jit_context_acquire (void);
+/* Release the context.  After this call, it's no longer valid to use
+   the ctxt.  */
+extern void
+gcc_jit_context_release (gcc_jit_context *ctxt);
+/* Options taking string values. */
+enum gcc_jit_str_option
+  /* The name of the program, for use as a prefix when printing error
+     messages to stderr.  If NULL, or default, "" is used.  */
+/* Options taking int values. */
+enum gcc_jit_int_option
+  /* How much to optimize the code.
+     Valid values are 0-3, corresponding to GCC's command-line options
+     -O0 through -O3.
+     The default value is 0 (unoptimized).  */
+/* Options taking boolean values.
+   These all default to "false".  */
+enum gcc_jit_bool_option
+  /* If true, gcc_jit_context_compile will attempt to do the right
+     thing so that if you attach a debugger to the process, it will
+     be able to inspect variables and step through your code.
+     Note that you can't step through code unless you set up source
+     location information for the code (by creating and passing in
+     gcc_jit_location instances).  */
+  /* If true, gcc_jit_context_compile will dump its initial "tree"
+     representation of your code to stderr (before any
+     optimizations).  */
+  /* If true, gcc_jit_context_compile will dump the "gimple"
+     representation of your code to stderr, before any optimizations
+     are performed.  The dump resembles C code.  */
+  /* If true, gcc_jit_context_compile will dump the final
+     generated code to stderr, in the form of assembly language.  */
+  /* If true, gcc_jit_context_compile will print information to stderr
+     on the actions it is performing, followed by a profile showing
+     the time taken and memory usage of each phase.
+   */
+  /* If true, gcc_jit_context_compile will dump copious
+     amount of information on what it's doing to various
+     files within a temporary directory.  Use
+     see the results.  The files are intended to be human-readable,
+     but the exact files and their formats are subject to change.
+  */
+  /* If true, libgccjit will aggressively run its garbage collector, to
+     shake out bugs (greatly slowing down the compile).  This is likely
+     to only be of interest to developers *of* the library.  It is
+     used when running the selftest suite.  */
+  /* If true, gcc_jit_context_release will not clean up
+     intermediate files written to the filesystem, and will display
+     their location on stderr.  */
+/* Set a string option on the given context.
+   The context directly stores the (const char *), so the passed string
+   must outlive the context.  */
+extern void
+gcc_jit_context_set_str_option (gcc_jit_context *ctxt,
+                               enum gcc_jit_str_option opt,
+                               const char *value);
+/* Set an int option on the given context.  */
+extern void
+gcc_jit_context_set_int_option (gcc_jit_context *ctxt,
+                               enum gcc_jit_int_option opt,
+                               int value);
+/* Set a boolean option on the given context.
+   Zero is "false" (the default), non-zero is "true".  */
+extern void
+gcc_jit_context_set_bool_option (gcc_jit_context *ctxt,
+                                enum gcc_jit_bool_option opt,
+                                int value);
+/* This actually calls into GCC and runs the build, all
+   in a mutex for now.  The result is a wrapper around a .so file.
+   It can only be called once on a given context.  */
+extern gcc_jit_result *
+gcc_jit_context_compile (gcc_jit_context *ctxt);
+/* To help with debugging: dump a C-like representation to the given path,
+   describing what's been set up on the context.
+   If "update_locations" is true, then also set up gcc_jit_location
+   information throughout the context, pointing at the dump file as if it
+   were a source file.  This may be of use in conjunction with
+   GCC_JIT_BOOL_OPTION_DEBUGINFO to allow stepping through the code in a
+   debugger.  */
+extern void
+gcc_jit_context_dump_to_file (gcc_jit_context *ctxt,
+                             const char *path,
+                             int update_locations);
+/* To be called after a compile, this gives the first error message
+   that occurred on the context.
+   The returned string is valid for the rest of the lifetime of the
+   context.
+   If no errors occurred, this will be NULL.  */
+extern const char *
+gcc_jit_context_get_first_error (gcc_jit_context *ctxt);
+/* Locate a given function within the built machine code.
+   This will need to be cast to a function pointer of the
+   correct type before it can be called. */
+extern void *
+gcc_jit_result_get_code (gcc_jit_result *result,
+                        const char *funcname);
+/* Once we're done with the code, this unloads the built .so file.
+   This cleans up the result; after calling this, it's no longer
+   valid to use the result.  */
+extern void
+gcc_jit_result_release (gcc_jit_result *result);
+ Functions for creating "contextual" objects.
+ All objects created by these functions share the lifetime of the context
+ they are created within, and are automatically cleaned up for you when
+ you call gcc_jit_context_release on the context.
+ Note that this means you can't use references to them after you've
+ released their context.
+ All (const char *) string arguments passed to these functions are
+ copied, so you don't need to keep them around.  Note that this *isn't*
+ the case for other parts of the API.
+ You create code by adding a sequence of statements to blocks.
+ The base class of "contextual" object.
+ **********************************************************************/
+/* Which context is "obj" within?  */
+extern gcc_jit_context *
+gcc_jit_object_get_context (gcc_jit_object *obj);
+/* Get a human-readable description of this object.
+   The string buffer is created the first time this is called on a given
+   object, and persists until the object's context is released.  */
+extern const char *
+gcc_jit_object_get_debug_string (gcc_jit_object *obj);
+ Debugging information.
+ **********************************************************************/
+/* Creating source code locations for use by the debugger.
+   Line and column numbers are 1-based.  */
+extern gcc_jit_location *
+gcc_jit_context_new_location (gcc_jit_context *ctxt,
+                             const char *filename,
+                             int line,
+                             int column);
+/* Upcasting from location to object.  */
+extern gcc_jit_object *
+gcc_jit_location_as_object (gcc_jit_location *loc);
+ Types.
+ **********************************************************************/
+/* Upcasting from type to object.  */
+extern gcc_jit_object *
+gcc_jit_type_as_object (gcc_jit_type *type);
+/* Access to specific types.  */
+enum gcc_jit_types
+  /* C's "void" type.  */
+  /* "void *".  */
+  /* C++'s bool type; also C99's "_Bool" type, aka "bool" if using
+     stdbool.h.  */
+  /* Various integer types.  */
+  /* C's "char" (of some signedness) and the variants where the
+     signedness is specified.  */
+  /* C's "short" and "unsigned short".  */
+  GCC_JIT_TYPE_SHORT, /* signed */
+  /* C's "int" and "unsigned int".  */
+  GCC_JIT_TYPE_INT, /* signed */
+  /* C's "long" and "unsigned long".  */
+  GCC_JIT_TYPE_LONG, /* signed */
+  /* C99's "long long" and "unsigned long long".  */
+  GCC_JIT_TYPE_LONG_LONG, /* signed */
+  /* Floating-point types  */
+  /* C type: (const char *).  */
+ /* The C "size_t" type.  */
+ /* C type: (FILE *)  */
+extern gcc_jit_type *
+gcc_jit_context_get_type (gcc_jit_context *ctxt,
+                         enum gcc_jit_types type_);
+extern gcc_jit_type *
+gcc_jit_context_get_int_type (gcc_jit_context *ctxt,
+                             int num_bytes, int is_signed);
+/* Constructing new types. */
+/* Given type "T", get type "T*".  */
+extern gcc_jit_type *
+gcc_jit_type_get_pointer (gcc_jit_type *type);
+/* Given type "T", get type "const T".  */
+extern gcc_jit_type *
+gcc_jit_type_get_const (gcc_jit_type *type);
+/* Given type "T", get type "volatile T".  */
+extern gcc_jit_type *
+gcc_jit_type_get_volatile (gcc_jit_type *type);
+/* Given type "T", get type "T[N]" (for a constant N).  */
+extern gcc_jit_type *
+gcc_jit_context_new_array_type (gcc_jit_context *ctxt,
+                               gcc_jit_location *loc,
+                               gcc_jit_type *element_type,
+                               int num_elements);
+/* Struct-handling.  */
+extern gcc_jit_field *
+gcc_jit_context_new_field (gcc_jit_context *ctxt,
+                          gcc_jit_location *loc,
+                          gcc_jit_type *type,
+                          const char *name);
+/* Upcasting from field to object.  */
+extern gcc_jit_object *
+gcc_jit_field_as_object (gcc_jit_field *field);
+extern gcc_jit_struct *
+gcc_jit_context_new_struct_type (gcc_jit_context *ctxt,
+                                gcc_jit_location *loc,
+                                const char *name,
+                                int num_fields,
+                                gcc_jit_field **fields);
+extern gcc_jit_struct *
+gcc_jit_context_new_opaque_struct (gcc_jit_context *ctxt,
+                                  gcc_jit_location *loc,
+                                  const char *name);
+extern gcc_jit_type *
+gcc_jit_struct_as_type (gcc_jit_struct *struct_type);
+/* Populating the fields of a formerly-opaque struct type.
+   This can only be called once on a given struct type.  */
+extern void
+gcc_jit_struct_set_fields (gcc_jit_struct *struct_type,
+                          gcc_jit_location *loc,
+                          int num_fields,
+                          gcc_jit_field **fields);
+/* Unions work similarly to structs.  */
+extern gcc_jit_type *
+gcc_jit_context_new_union_type (gcc_jit_context *ctxt,
+                               gcc_jit_location *loc,
+                               const char *name,
+                               int num_fields,
+                               gcc_jit_field **fields);
+/* Function pointers. */
+extern gcc_jit_type *
+gcc_jit_context_new_function_ptr_type (gcc_jit_context *ctxt,
+                                      gcc_jit_location *loc,
+                                      gcc_jit_type *return_type,
+                                      int num_params,
+                                      gcc_jit_type **param_types,
+                                      int is_variadic);
+ Constructing functions.
+ **********************************************************************/
+extern gcc_jit_param *
+gcc_jit_context_new_param (gcc_jit_context *ctxt,
+                          gcc_jit_location *loc,
+                          gcc_jit_type *type,
+                          const char *name);
+/* Upcasting from param to object.  */
+extern gcc_jit_object *
+gcc_jit_param_as_object (gcc_jit_param *param);
+extern gcc_jit_lvalue *
+gcc_jit_param_as_lvalue (gcc_jit_param *param);
+extern gcc_jit_rvalue *
+gcc_jit_param_as_rvalue (gcc_jit_param *param);
+enum gcc_jit_function_kind
+  /* Function is defined by the client code and visible
+     by name outside of the JIT.  */
+  /* Function is defined by the client code, but is invisible
+     outside of the JIT.  Analogous to a "static" function.  */
+  /* Function is not defined by the client code; we're merely
+     referring to it.  Analogous to using an "extern" function from a
+     header file.  */
+  /* Function is only ever inlined into other functions, and is
+     invisible outside of the JIT.
+     Analogous to prefixing with "inline" and adding
+     __attribute__((always_inline)).
+     Inlining will only occur when the optimization level is
+     above 0; when optimization is off, this is essentially the
+     same as GCC_JIT_FUNCTION_INTERNAL.  */
+extern gcc_jit_function *
+gcc_jit_context_new_function (gcc_jit_context *ctxt,
+                             gcc_jit_location *loc,
+                             enum gcc_jit_function_kind kind,
+                             gcc_jit_type *return_type,
+                             const char *name,
+                             int num_params,
+                             gcc_jit_param **params,
+                             int is_variadic);
+extern gcc_jit_function *
+gcc_jit_context_get_builtin_function (gcc_jit_context *ctxt,
+                                     const char *name);
+/* Upcasting from function to object.  */
+extern gcc_jit_object *
+gcc_jit_function_as_object (gcc_jit_function *func);
+extern gcc_jit_param *
+gcc_jit_function_get_param (gcc_jit_function *func, int index);
+/* Emit the function in graphviz format.  */
+extern void
+gcc_jit_function_dump_to_dot (gcc_jit_function *func,
+                             const char *path);
+/* Create a block.
+   The name can be NULL, or you can give it a meaningful name, which
+   may show up in dumps of the internal representation, and in error
+   messages.  */
+extern gcc_jit_block *
+gcc_jit_function_new_block (gcc_jit_function *func,
+                           const char *name);
+/* Upcasting from block to object.  */
+extern gcc_jit_object *
+gcc_jit_block_as_object (gcc_jit_block *block);
+/* Which function is this block within?  */
+extern gcc_jit_function *
+gcc_jit_block_get_function (gcc_jit_block *block);
+ lvalues, rvalues and expressions.
+ **********************************************************************/
+extern gcc_jit_lvalue *
+gcc_jit_context_new_global (gcc_jit_context *ctxt,
+                           gcc_jit_location *loc,
+                           gcc_jit_type *type,
+                           const char *name);
+/* Upcasting.  */
+extern gcc_jit_object *
+gcc_jit_lvalue_as_object (gcc_jit_lvalue *lvalue);
+extern gcc_jit_rvalue *
+gcc_jit_lvalue_as_rvalue (gcc_jit_lvalue *lvalue);
+extern gcc_jit_object *
+gcc_jit_rvalue_as_object (gcc_jit_rvalue *rvalue);
+extern gcc_jit_type *
+gcc_jit_rvalue_get_type (gcc_jit_rvalue *rvalue);
+/* Integer constants. */
+extern gcc_jit_rvalue *
+gcc_jit_context_new_rvalue_from_int (gcc_jit_context *ctxt,
+                                    gcc_jit_type *numeric_type,
+                                    int value);
+extern gcc_jit_rvalue *
+gcc_jit_context_zero (gcc_jit_context *ctxt,
+                     gcc_jit_type *numeric_type);
+extern gcc_jit_rvalue *
+gcc_jit_context_one (gcc_jit_context *ctxt,
+                    gcc_jit_type *numeric_type);
+/* Floating-point constants.  */
+extern gcc_jit_rvalue *
+gcc_jit_context_new_rvalue_from_double (gcc_jit_context *ctxt,
+                                       gcc_jit_type *numeric_type,
+                                       double value);
+/* Pointers.  */
+extern gcc_jit_rvalue *
+gcc_jit_context_new_rvalue_from_ptr (gcc_jit_context *ctxt,
+                                    gcc_jit_type *pointer_type,
+                                    void *value);
+extern gcc_jit_rvalue *
+gcc_jit_context_null (gcc_jit_context *ctxt,
+                     gcc_jit_type *pointer_type);
+/* String literals. */
+extern gcc_jit_rvalue *
+gcc_jit_context_new_string_literal (gcc_jit_context *ctxt,
+                                   const char *value);
+enum gcc_jit_unary_op
+  /* Negate an arithmetic value; analogous to:
+       -(EXPR)
+     in C.  */
+  /* Bitwise negation of an integer value (one's complement); analogous
+     to:
+       ~(EXPR)
+     in C.  */
+  /* Logical negation of an arithmetic or pointer value; analogous to:
+       !(EXPR)
+     in C.  */
+extern gcc_jit_rvalue *
+gcc_jit_context_new_unary_op (gcc_jit_context *ctxt,
+                             gcc_jit_location *loc,
+                             enum gcc_jit_unary_op op,
+                             gcc_jit_type *result_type,
+                             gcc_jit_rvalue *rvalue);
+enum gcc_jit_binary_op
+  /* Addition of arithmetic values; analogous to:
+       (EXPR_A) + (EXPR_B)
+     in C.
+     For pointer addition, use gcc_jit_context_new_array_access.  */
+  /* Subtraction of arithmetic values; analogous to:
+       (EXPR_A) - (EXPR_B)
+     in C.  */
+  /* Multiplication of a pair of arithmetic values; analogous to:
+       (EXPR_A) * (EXPR_B)
+     in C.  */
+  /* Quotient of division of arithmetic values; analogous to:
+       (EXPR_A) / (EXPR_B)
+     in C.
+     The result type affects the kind of division: if the result type is
+     integer-based, then the result is truncated towards zero, whereas
+     a floating-point result type indicates floating-point division.  */
+  /* Remainder of division of arithmetic values; analogous to:
+       (EXPR_A) % (EXPR_B)
+     in C.  */
+  /* Bitwise AND; analogous to:
+       (EXPR_A) & (EXPR_B)
+     in C.  */
+  /* Bitwise exclusive OR; analogous to:
+       (EXPR_A) ^ (EXPR_B)
+     in C.  */
+  /* Bitwise inclusive OR; analogous to:
+       (EXPR_A) | (EXPR_B)
+     in C.  */
+  /* Logical AND; analogous to:
+       (EXPR_A) && (EXPR_B)
+     in C.  */
+  /* Logical OR; analogous to:
+       (EXPR_A) || (EXPR_B)
+     in C.  */
+  /* Left shift; analogous to:
+       (EXPR_A) << (EXPR_B)
+     in C.  */
+  /* Right shift; analogous to:
+       (EXPR_A) >> (EXPR_B)
+     in C.  */
+extern gcc_jit_rvalue *
+gcc_jit_context_new_binary_op (gcc_jit_context *ctxt,
+                              gcc_jit_location *loc,
+                              enum gcc_jit_binary_op op,
+                              gcc_jit_type *result_type,
+                              gcc_jit_rvalue *a, gcc_jit_rvalue *b);
+/* (Comparisons are treated as separate from "binary_op" to save
+   you having to specify the result_type).  */
+enum gcc_jit_comparison
+  /* (EXPR_A) == (EXPR_B).  */
+  /* (EXPR_A) != (EXPR_B).  */
+  /* (EXPR_A) < (EXPR_B).  */
+  /* (EXPR_A) <=(EXPR_B).  */
+  /* (EXPR_A) > (EXPR_B).  */
+  /* (EXPR_A) >= (EXPR_B).  */
+extern gcc_jit_rvalue *
+gcc_jit_context_new_comparison (gcc_jit_context *ctxt,
+                               gcc_jit_location *loc,
+                               enum gcc_jit_comparison op,
+                               gcc_jit_rvalue *a, gcc_jit_rvalue *b);
+/* Function calls.  */
+/* Call of a specific function.  */
+extern gcc_jit_rvalue *
+gcc_jit_context_new_call (gcc_jit_context *ctxt,
+                         gcc_jit_location *loc,
+                         gcc_jit_function *func,
+                         int numargs , gcc_jit_rvalue **args);
+/* Call through a function pointer.  */
+extern gcc_jit_rvalue *
+gcc_jit_context_new_call_through_ptr (gcc_jit_context *ctxt,
+                                     gcc_jit_location *loc,
+                                     gcc_jit_rvalue *fn_ptr,
+                                     int numargs, gcc_jit_rvalue **args);
+/* Type-coercion.
+   Currently only a limited set of conversions are possible:
+     int <-> float
+     int <-> bool  */
+extern gcc_jit_rvalue *
+gcc_jit_context_new_cast (gcc_jit_context *ctxt,
+                         gcc_jit_location *loc,
+                         gcc_jit_rvalue *rvalue,
+                         gcc_jit_type *type);
+extern gcc_jit_lvalue *
+gcc_jit_context_new_array_access (gcc_jit_context *ctxt,
+                                 gcc_jit_location *loc,
+                                 gcc_jit_rvalue *ptr,
+                                 gcc_jit_rvalue *index);
+/* Field access is provided separately for both lvalues and rvalues.  */
+/* Accessing a field of an lvalue of struct type, analogous to:
+      (EXPR).field = ...;
+   in C.  */
+extern gcc_jit_lvalue *
+gcc_jit_lvalue_access_field (gcc_jit_lvalue *struct_or_union,
+                            gcc_jit_location *loc,
+                            gcc_jit_field *field);
+/* Accessing a field of an rvalue of struct type, analogous to:
+      (EXPR).field
+   in C.  */
+extern gcc_jit_rvalue *
+gcc_jit_rvalue_access_field (gcc_jit_rvalue *struct_or_union,
+                            gcc_jit_location *loc,
+                            gcc_jit_field *field);
+/* Accessing a field of an rvalue of pointer type, analogous to:
+      (EXPR)->field
+   in C, itself equivalent to (*EXPR).FIELD  */
+extern gcc_jit_lvalue *
+gcc_jit_rvalue_dereference_field (gcc_jit_rvalue *ptr,
+                                 gcc_jit_location *loc,
+                                 gcc_jit_field *field);
+/* Dereferencing a pointer; analogous to:
+     *(EXPR)
+extern gcc_jit_lvalue *
+gcc_jit_rvalue_dereference (gcc_jit_rvalue *rvalue,
+                           gcc_jit_location *loc);
+/* Taking the address of an lvalue; analogous to:
+     &(EXPR)
+   in C.  */
+extern gcc_jit_rvalue *
+gcc_jit_lvalue_get_address (gcc_jit_lvalue *lvalue,
+                           gcc_jit_location *loc);
+extern gcc_jit_lvalue *
+gcc_jit_function_new_local (gcc_jit_function *func,
+                           gcc_jit_location *loc,
+                           gcc_jit_type *type,
+                           const char *name);
+ Statement-creation.
+ **********************************************************************/
+/* Add evaluation of an rvalue, discarding the result
+   (e.g. a function call that "returns" void).
+   This is equivalent to this C code:
+     (void)expression;
+extern void
+gcc_jit_block_add_eval (gcc_jit_block *block,
+                       gcc_jit_location *loc,
+                       gcc_jit_rvalue *rvalue);
+/* Add evaluation of an rvalue, assigning the result to the given
+   lvalue.
+   This is roughly equivalent to this C code:
+     lvalue = rvalue;
+extern void
+gcc_jit_block_add_assignment (gcc_jit_block *block,
+                             gcc_jit_location *loc,
+                             gcc_jit_lvalue *lvalue,
+                             gcc_jit_rvalue *rvalue);
+/* Add evaluation of an rvalue, using the result to modify an
+   lvalue.
+   This is analogous to "+=" and friends:
+     lvalue += rvalue;
+     lvalue *= rvalue;
+     lvalue /= rvalue;
+   etc  */
+extern void
+gcc_jit_block_add_assignment_op (gcc_jit_block *block,
+                                gcc_jit_location *loc,
+                                gcc_jit_lvalue *lvalue,
+                                enum gcc_jit_binary_op op,
+                                gcc_jit_rvalue *rvalue);
+/* Add a no-op textual comment to the internal representation of the
+   code.  It will be optimized away, but will be visible in the dumps
+   seen via
+   and
+   and thus may be of use when debugging how your project's internal
+   representation gets converted to the libgccjit IR.  */
+extern void
+gcc_jit_block_add_comment (gcc_jit_block *block,
+                          gcc_jit_location *loc,
+                          const char *text);
+/* Terminate a block by adding evaluation of an rvalue, branching on the
+   result to the appropriate successor block.
+   This is roughly equivalent to this C code:
+     if (boolval)
+       goto on_true;
+     else
+       goto on_false;
+   block, boolval, on_true, and on_false must be non-NULL.  */
+extern void
+gcc_jit_block_end_with_conditional (gcc_jit_block *block,
+                                   gcc_jit_location *loc,
+                                   gcc_jit_rvalue *boolval,
+                                   gcc_jit_block *on_true,
+                                   gcc_jit_block *on_false);
+/* Terminate a block by adding a jump to the given target block.
+   This is roughly equivalent to this C code:
+      goto target;
+extern void
+gcc_jit_block_end_with_jump (gcc_jit_block *block,
+                            gcc_jit_location *loc,
+                            gcc_jit_block *target);
+/* Terminate a block by adding evaluation of an rvalue, returning the value.
+   This is roughly equivalent to this C code:
+      return expression;
+extern void
+gcc_jit_block_end_with_return (gcc_jit_block *block,
+                              gcc_jit_location *loc,
+                              gcc_jit_rvalue *rvalue);
+/* Terminate a block by adding a valueless return, for use within a function
+   with "void" return type.
+   This is equivalent to this C code:
+      return;
+extern void
+gcc_jit_block_end_with_void_return (gcc_jit_block *block,
+                                   gcc_jit_location *loc);
+ Nested contexts.
+ **********************************************************************/
+/* Given an existing JIT context, create a child context.
+   The child inherits a copy of all option-settings from the parent.
+   The child can reference objects created within the parent, but not
+   vice-versa.
+   The lifetime of the child context must be bounded by that of the
+   parent: you should release a child context before releasing the parent
+   context.
+   If you use a function from a parent context within a child context,
+   you have to compile the parent context before you can compile the
+   child context, and the gcc_jit_result of the parent context must
+   outlive the gcc_jit_result of the child context.
+   This allows caching of shared initializations.  For example, you could
+   create types and declarations of global functions in a parent context
+   once within a process, and then create child contexts whenever a
+   function or loop becomes hot. Each such child context can be used for
+   JIT-compiling just one function or loop, but can reference types
+   and helper functions created within the parent context.
+   Contexts can be arbitrarily nested, provided the above rules are
+   followed, but it's probably not worth going above 2 or 3 levels, and
+   there will likely be a performance hit for such nesting.  */
+extern gcc_jit_context *
+gcc_jit_context_new_child_context (gcc_jit_context *parent_ctxt);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+#endif  /* LIBGCCJIT_H  */

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