No the random tests didn't show any problem. I had demonstrated the problems with the modifications on the existing tests simulating constraint memory context.

So unless specified otherwise I will commit tomorrow without the tests using random numbers.


On 10/11/2014 23:20, Jonathan Wakely wrote:
On 10/11/14 23:14 +0100, François Dumont wrote:
I introduced the random tests after Christopher Jefferson request to have more intensive tests on those algos. Is it the whole stuff of tests using random numbers that you don't like or just the usage of mt19937 ?

The use of random number in general.

If second is this new version using the usual random_device I used so far better ?

That would be much worse because failures would not be reproducible!

If it is the whole usage of random numbers that you don't like I will simply get rid of the new tests files.

Did the new tests fail before your fix to stl_algo.h?

If yes, you could extract the values generated in the case that fails
and add a test using those values (this is what I should have done for
the leaking set tests)

If no, they aren't really testing anything useful.

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