Hi there!

On 4/1/24 05:39, ali omer wrote:
Hi ,
My name is ali omar I hope to contribute to Rust GCC , but it is my first time to contribute to open source projects , so maybe I need help and I want to know how to start contributing
Thanks in advance

Nice, thanks for being interested in our project :D As a starting point I would suggest cloning the project, and following the instructions in the README.md file for building it and running the testsuite. You can then have a look at a couple of issues tagged `good-first-pr` in order to get familiar with the project and the contributing process.


If you run into any issues, feel free to ask for help here on the mailing list. If you're comfortable with using Zulip, then we also have a server there which you might find is more active.


Looking forward to working with you!



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