Sorry if this has been answered before.

I installed gmp and mpfr successfully on my Mac G5 and so I can test gfortran on my Mac.

I tried this evening to install gmp-4.1.4 and mpfr-2.1.0 on my Solaris machines and I failed on the first try. (I think the default install for gmp on my machines is a 64-bit version, but the default for mpfr and gcc is 32-bit, so I'm going to have to figure out how to configure everything to match.)

Now, I'm not a great systems administrator, but I've been maintaining my own unix/linux/MacOS X machines since 1987, and installing gmp and mpfr as they come from the default distributions in such a way that gcc can use them seems to be nontrivial.

So, my question. Will gcc-4.0 ship with a properly configured gmp/mpfr distribution so gfortran will be built by ./configure; make; make install?


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