In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you write:
>GCC's primary purpose is to be the compiler for the GNU system.  It is
>used for many other purposes too, and it is good for GCC to serve more
>purposes, but they're not as important for the GNU Project, even
>though they are all important for some users.

I'm a wee little bit fed up of that argument.
Having the compiler BE the compiler for the GNU system is cool.

But if you still want to have a thriving user community that willingly
contribute to it, just giving lip service to other purposes of GCC
is not always enough, Richard.

Specifically, there are a bunch of people who use GCC as a system
compiler on non GNU systems, that are currently willing to contribute
code, but would jump ship if the tide turns in the direction of a
`GNU system' too much.

Remember emacs vs. xemacs ?
Remember GCC vs. egcs ?

Sorry for making a pest of myself and trolling heavily (well, not that
heavily), but dismissing technical arguments on political grounds
doesn't quite cut it for me (even if you half acknowledge the existence
of other people, mostly to dismiss them off-hand).

And I'm sure there are OTHER people in my own little minority who are
very interested in the slant of your arguments.

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