Georg Steffers writes:
 > Hi,
 > i am working on a lib that should implement OO methods in C. I tried to  
 > build up an exception system using longjmp and ran into a problem. I am  
 > searching for an answer a month now and am actually not bit farther  
 > than at the beginning. Actually i am not sure if it is an issue with  
 > gcc or i did not understand correctly how longjmp should work. Perhaps  
 > anyone here can help.
 > The problem is that if i make two longjmp, the second returning to the  
 > function that issued the first, than my stack seems to be corrupted (or  
 > something similar) I made a more or less simple example that did not  
 > use any other part of my the OO lib nor did any dynamic memory stuff,  
 > just a few functions that demonstates the problem.

See ISO C, Section 7.13.2,1 Para 2 on Page 244, particularly footnote

Redirected to gcc-help.


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