RC2 is available here:


As before, I'd very much appreciate it if people would test these bits
on primary and secondary platforms, post test results with the
contrib/test_summary script, and send me a message saying whether or
not there are any regressions, together with a pointer to the results.

I'll be updating the (now ill-named)


page with that information as it comes in.

Except for any previously approved but not yet applied RC2 patches,
the 4.0 branch is now frozen.  Even changes to the documentation need
my approval now -- not because I'll have anything to say, but because
I might spin the release at any moment, and I don't want to have a
situation where we somehow get half a patch.

The changes that I anticipate between now and the final release are
(a) documentation changes, (b) a patch for 20991, and (c) a possible
patch for 20973.  Other than that, I will only consider patches that
fix egregious problems, like a fail to bootstrap on a primary

For a dot-zero release, GCC 4.0 is a nice piece of work.  We'll get it
out the door in the next few days; then on to 4.0.1...

Mark Mitchell
CodeSourcery, LLC

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