On Wed, 27 Apr 2005, Steven Bosscher wrote:

> [*] Does anyone have an idea of how large GCC really is?

Using sloccount, 4.0.0 release looks like:

Totals grouped by language (dominant language first):
ansic:      1076327 (43.81%)
ada:         541135 (22.03%)
java:        276544 (11.26%)
cpp:         272101 (11.08%)
sh:          222630 (9.06%)
asm:          31194 (1.27%)
yacc:         14900 (0.61%)
exp:           8127 (0.33%)
objc:          5919 (0.24%)
fortran:       4507 (0.18%)
perl:          1954 (0.08%)
lex:            768 (0.03%)
awk:            542 (0.02%)
lisp:            59 (0.00%)
sed:             20 (0.00%)

Total Physical Source Lines of Code (SLOC)                = 2,456,727
Development Effort Estimate, Person-Years (Person-Months) = 725.95 (8,711.36)
 (Basic COCOMO model, Person-Months = 2.4 * (KSLOC**1.05))
Schedule Estimate, Years (Months)                         = 6.55 (78.55)
 (Basic COCOMO model, Months = 2.5 * (person-months**0.38))
Estimated Average Number of Developers (Effort/Schedule)  = 110.90
Total Estimated Cost to Develop                           = $ 98,065,527
 (average salary = $56,286/year, overhead = 2.40).
Please credit this data as "generated using 'SLOCCount' by David A. Wheeler."

Karel Gardas                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ObjectSecurity Ltd.           http://www.objectsecurity.com

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