Per Bothner wrote:
> Mark Mitchell wrote:
>>Building libjava takes forever on any platform, relative to the rest of 
>>the compiler build.


> One way to speed up libcgj compilation by quite a bit would be to
> compile more than one .java file at a time.  For example:
>    gcj -c java/util/*.java -o java-util.o
> This reduces libtool overhead, reduces the duplication in reading
> dependencies, and probably reduces link overheads.  It can also
> produce better code, since intermodule references get trurned into
> intramodule references.  This just requires Makefile-hacking.


> Ideally, there'd be a configure flag to control "chunking".

Note that libgcj already supports an "--enable-libgcj-multifile"
configuration option that coarsely attempts to do the above.



Ranjit Mathew      Email: rmathew AT gmail DOT com

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