On Thursday 26 May 2005 10:15, Vincent Lefevre wrote:
> On 2005-05-25 19:27:21 +0200, Allan Sandfeld Jensen wrote:
> > Yes. I still don't understand why gcc doesn't do -ffast-math by
> > default like all other compilers.
> No! And I really don't think that other compilers do that.

I can't speak of all compilers, only the ones I've tried. ICC enables it 
always, Sun CC, Dec CXX, and HP CC at certain levels of optimizations 
(equivalent to -O2). 

Basically any compiler that cares about benchmarks have it enabled by default.

Many of them however have multiple levels of relaxed floating point. The 
lowest levels will try to be as accurate as possible, while the higher will 
loosen the accuracy and just try to be as fast as possible.

> > The people who needs perfect standard behavior are a lot fewer than
> > all the packagers who doesn't understand which optimization flags
> > gcc should _always_ be called with.
> Standard should be the default.
> (Is this a troll or what?)

So why isn't -ansi or -pendantic default?


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