Vincent Lefevre wrote:
> Changing the rounding precision is. The C standard defines how you
> can change the rounding direction, but not the rounding precision.

Back in the early 1990's, work on solving this inadequacy was being done
by the X3J11 Numerical C Extensions Group. Rex Jaeschke was the chair,
if memory serves.

In fact, NCEG *did* improve C's numerics if one uses the
Zortech/Symantec/Digital Mars compiler. I know, because I wrote a
90-page manual on numerical computing for Zortech/Symantec. I haven't
looked at Digital Mars C, but I believe it still supports the proposed
NCEG extensions.

Only a few fragments of NCEG's work made it into C99, much to my
disappointment. I suppose it would be possible to implement NCEG in GCC,
but I doubt anyone would pay for the work involved -- yet I'd love to
have a -ffloat-nceg on platforms that could support it.

If anyone's curious, I have a PDF of that old manual of mine I can make
available. I don't have any electronic copies of the NCEG documents,
unfortunately, but my book covers pretty much everything.


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