Aaron W. LaFramboise wrote:
> Boosters, FreeBSD hackers, and I'm sure tons of others are calling this
> the "Bicycle shed effect."
> <http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/faq/misc.html#BIKESHED-PAINTING>

If I'm building a bicycle shed, I may want to talk with others who have
done so in the past, learning from the experience and gaining their
insights. Why did they use a certain type of construction? What sort of
storage did they build in? What worked and didn't work for someone else
who has already built a shed? What did they learn from their own work?
Any shed I build will be better for such discussions.

GCC's floating-point support can be improved by considering what people
want from their math in conjunction with the characteristics of
different systems. Discussions herein have clarified and expanded my
understanding of the issues.

> In all of the open source world I have seen, posting code is always better.

Better than what? Design? Analysis? Just because some people like to
nitpick doesn't mean there shouldn't be forethought to our work.

Be that as it may, one must work within the presiding culture, and if
design and analysis are frowned upon, it is directly to code that I will go.


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