>>>>> "Mike" == Mike Stump <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 Mike> On Sep 6, 2005, at 6:16 PM, Gabriel Dos Reis wrote:
 >> wrong-code generation that was fixed.

 Mike> Customers validate their app and are `happy' with the code
 Mike> generation, so this appears to not be a real an issue.  Failure
 Mike> to compile their app to them feels slightly more real.

The problem with "wrong code" bugs is that they are hard to find in
application testing.  It may be that customers are happy because their
testing has failed to uncover the bug, rather than that the bug hasn't
hit their application.

If they are happy with Vx.y.z, one obvious answer is "so don't
upgrade".  That's the normal embedded systems answer -- just because
your vendor is shipping version N+5 is no reason to move from version


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