>>>>> "Per" == Per Bothner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Per> A couple of other factors:

Thanks for bringing these up.

Per> * Compile time.

Yeah, this is a potential problem.  If it is severe it could be fixed
by linking ecj into GCC.  FWIW, at least for all the packaging we do
in Fedora, we have to compile things separately, because we're using
unmodified upstream build systems.

I realize this isn't the only gcj use case.  I can try to come up with
some timings.

Per> * Debugging.  Historically Java degugging information is pretty limited.
Per>    Even with the latest specifications there is (for example) no support
Per>    for column numbers.  However, the classfile format is extensible, and
Per>    so if needed we can define extra "attribute" sections.

Yeah, this could be fixed with some upstream cooperation.

Per> * The .classfile format is quite inefficient.  For example there is
Per>    no sharing of "symbols" between classes, so there is a lot of
Per>    duplication.  However, this is a problem we share with everybody
Per>    else, and it could be solved at the bytecode level, co-operating
Per>    with other parties, iseally as a Java Specification Request.

1.5 includes Pack200, which addresses this in a somewhat odd way.
This seems like a subset of the performance problem though... if
performance is ok, this inefficiency won't matter.

Per> (2) A bytecode versions of ecj.  This is only useful if we also make
Per> available a bytecode version of libgcj, I think.

Yeah.  Right now we have a few java files that we compile based on the
target platform, eg the Process stuff.  I think we could easily move
these around and move to a slightly different approach which would let
us have a single libgcj.jar that works for all platforms.

For folks not involved in libgcj, the build is essentially done in two
steps at the moment.  First we compile to class files (this is the
classpath part), then we go back and compile to native (using the
class files as a kind of precompiled header).

In the new setup I think we would compile the class files to object
files directly in the second step (since that is what we'd get with
ecj anyway).  Bringing up libgcj on a new system would involve getting
those class files from "somewhere"; with some relatively minor build
changes we could just make this a download from gcc.gnu.org.


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