On 3/30/06, Adriaan van Os <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The
> answer is that simply the resources fail to maintain gpc on a daily
> basis on gcc mainline.

It seems to me that integrating gpc would _reduce_ the burden on the
gpc team, because you would get more regular testing and people are
responsible for fixing all front ends when they do backend changes.
The gpc folks would only have to worry about the front end.

> Also, flexibility in choosing the back-end
> version sometimes has its advantages, dependent on the platform, given
> the fact that reported gcc bugs are not always fixed.

So you could help fix them, instead of forcing people to stick to
older backends ;-)

> Still, I would like to create a GNU Pascal branch for gcc. This will be
> a central place where to keep the compiler updated with

What would be the benefits of this for GCC? Wouldn't this just result
in more bug reports for GCC maintainers about a project that they have
no control over?  If you don't plan to integrate gpc with the rest of
GCC, then I don't see any reason why gpc would have to live in the GCC
subversion repository.  Just my $0.02...


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