I found this description in GCC Internals info file.

   11.7 Constant Expression Types


   `(const:M EXP)'
        Represents a constant that is the result of an assembly-time
        arithmetic computation.  The operand, EXP, is an expression that
        contains only constants (`const_int', `symbol_ref' and `label_ref'
        expressions) combined with `plus' and `minus'.  However, not all
        combinations are valid, since the assembler cannot do arbitrary
        arithmetic on relocatable symbols.

        M should be `Pmode'.

Are there any plan to implement this facility as an extension to
object file format?

I don't know the fact but I suppose why linker was originally
invented was to promise user to recompile only modified .c files, and this principal was broken with object oriented programming.

I think with this facility, simple OO language will be much cleaner
than the current, because the offset of member variables or method
table are resolved in link phase.

Please comment.

Mikiya Matsuzaka

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