On Tue, Dec 05, 2006 at 11:47:48PM +0000, Manuel López-Ibáñez wrote:
> On 05/12/06, Janis Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> On Mon, Dec 04, 
> 2006 at 07:51:00PM +0000, Manuel López-Ibáñez wrote:> > The following 
> testcase should fail with current mainline for everydg-bogus.> > It 
> actually passes perfectly :-(.  I have tried removingthe  dg-warning> > 
> tests but then only the first dg-bogus fails, whilethe other dg-bogus 
> pass.> > The results are also unexpected if you removeonly one or two 
> dg-warning.> > Any idea of what is going on ?>> Each check for dg-error, 
> dg-warning, or dg-bogus removes the matched> text from the compiler output 
> so it's no longer available to match> later tests.  You'll need separate 
> tests for the dg-warning checks and> the dg-bogus checks.
> Like I said before "I have tried removing the dg-warning tests butthen only 
> the first dg-bogus fails while the others pass. Does thismean that a single 
> dg-bogus is matching everything including warningsin other lines (and 
> functions) ? That sounds so strange...

Your mailer is removing white space and line endings, so your mail is
getting difficult to understand.

The code in DejaGnu that checks the messages for dg-warning, dg-bogus,
and friends uses 'regsub -all', so yes, one regular expression can
match multiple messages.

To see what's going on, install DejaGnu where you can modify it.
In share/dejagnu/dg.exp in the install directory look for
'foreach i ${dg-messages}', and uncomment the send_user lines for
Before and After messages for the searches; this will let you see
exactly what it's doing.

If you have questions about installing DejaGnu and using it, ask me
in private email.


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